
LifeHacks: Car Edition By: Carmen Ruiz

A vehicle is one of the most expensive items a person will end up owning and their maintenance is important. Here are a couple of lifehacks to make cleaning your car easier and have it be a little more personalized to your needs.

1. Make A Phone Holder Using A Rubber Band

It is important to always have both hands on the wheel while driving, but when you need to look at your GPS what are you to do? Here is how to make a makeshift phone stand using just a rubber band.

Rating: 7/10. Getting the rubber band through to the other side of the air conditioning vent was difficult and took multiple tries. Although the phone stayed pretty secure throughout the entire time it was placed in the holder.

2. Use A Tennis Ball to Hold Your Keys

Losing your keys can make a bad day worse; having a hook to store keys on in a place such as your garage makes it easy to grab them and go. Get decorative and creative with a tennis ball creature who will safely keep your keys for you.

Rating: 8/10. The slit in the tennis ball took a good bit of time to cut, and pushing the thumb tack through the tennis ball was also a little tricky. The final result was cute, stayed upright on the wall, and securely held my keys.

3. Rid Your Air Vents of Dust and Dirt

Dust and dirt can get trapped in all the tiny crevices and cracks in the air conditioning or console compartments of your car. Instead of struggling with a rag or compressed air use this hack to suck out any crumbs.

Rating: 3/10. While I wouldn't say this hack was a complete failure, but the vacuum did lose a lot of suction power, because of the opening being so narrow. The air from the vacuum also made the fold in the toilet paper roll seal sometimes.


Created with an image by kirill_makarov - "Cute blue retro travel car with luggage. Macro photo"