Club Preview: A look into the week of February 6
Key Club, BSU, and Culture and Exchange Club meeting this week
February 6, 2023
Key Club, Cafeteria, second and fourth Wednesday
NHS and Key Club will be working together to earn service hours.
“We will be introducing our new board elects and play a fun ice breaker game,” President Aanja Abilar said. “This will also be a joint meeting with the National Honor Society where we will make sock monkeys for teachers as a service activity.”
Voting for regional lieutenant governors will take place at the school.
“Next week, we are hosting a Key Club region event at our school,” Abilar said. “All the Key Clubs in Las Vegas will come together to vote on their next division lieutenant governors.”
Black Student Union, Cafeteria, second and fourth Thursday
BSU will be conducting their normal meeting routines.
“We will be discussing volunteer hour requirements for upcoming events as well as our usual activities during the meeting,” President Heron Yonas said.
The club will be hosting their first event of the year on Friday.
“We will be finalizing the last details for the movie night to make sure everything is in order,” Yonas said. “Such as asking for a few volunteers to set up and clean for the event.”
Culture and Language Exchange Club, H121, every other Tuesday
The club will be continuing to explore a culture through their food and film.
“We are holding a ‘Food and Film’ meeting,” President Rianna Rivera said. “It consists of the members watching a film that’s related to a culture along with food that’s also culture related.”
Members can look forward to what’s to come for the second meeting of February.
“My council needs to prepare for our second meeting of February, which is an activities meeting,” Rivera said. “There will be activities such as a scavenger hunt and more.”