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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

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Southwest Shadow

As students find their academic paths, Janelle Kelly discusses the importance of having  perspective in planning for the future. “Sometimes you have to step away from what you're in the midst of and look at the big picture,” Kelly says. “Ask yourself, where am I going? What am I doing? Why am I doing these things?”
Students Navigate Their Future with Strategic Academic Planning
Guiding students’ futures, ensuring they stay on their desired path
Isabella Sandoval and Natalia Klonowski October 4, 2024
By planning with counselors, students are making choices about their education in order to stay on track for their post-secondary choices.
Outlining her shoebox project, sophomore Jaylene Motes leads her group, showing them how to cut out their future classroom. “It’s teaching me ways to make my future students feel safe around me and in my classroom. I like that our class is engaging, that everyone is friends with each other, and that I can talk to my teacher, and that's how I want my class to feel,” Motes said.
Teaching and Training Students Create Miniature Classrooms
Designing the future of education
Andrew Baier and Kevin Zhao October 3, 2024
Freshmen, sophomores begin to design their dream classrooms.
Demonstrating the correct piping technique to his class, Chef Michael Hadobas goes into intricate detail about piping roses. Mastery of this technique made it easier for the students later on in the unit. “Knowing exactly how to hold the piping bag is important because just a couple of degrees off can totally change how the finished product looks,” junior Addison Marsh said. “From Chef, I also learned how to move the nail around so that you weren't making more work for yourself and just letting the nail do the work for you.”
Baking & Pastry Students Explore Cake Decorating Techniques
Mastering the Art of Cake Design
Johnny Tao and Jaden Espinueva October 3, 2024
With the guidance of Chef Hadobas, the students learned all the skills included in the Cake Decorating unit.
Participating in a fingerprinting activity, senior Roxana Huve assists fellow club member Branden To with applying his own fingerprint to a CD. "I love being able to find and identify fingerprints," Huve said. "It [was] so fun, and looked really nice afterwards."
Criminology, Forensics newest club on campus
Open to all students interested in mystery and investigation
Donovan Allan, Staff Writer • October 2, 2024
Club activities include fingerprinting, analysis, and guest speakers.
Focusing on the monitor, junior KJ Palacios participates in a game match. While Palacios was a member of the Esports club last school year, he decided not to participate this year. “Even though it was fun, I wanted to spend my junior year working on my resume for college," Palacios said. "It’s not that I left for any bitter reason, I just wanted to do other things.”
Esports Club ushers in new additions
‘Madden’ and ‘Street Fighter 6’ featured in new lineup
Donovan Allan, Staff Writer • October 1, 2024
Esports Club introduces new games to their roster.
Playing on their newly purchased Ping Pong table, PE coaches Anne Kalenowicz and Michele Schmitt rally back and forth. Other pieces of equipment were also ordered to encourage students to exercise. “These are activities that they can continue throughout life,“ Schmitt said. “Our job as a teacher is to introduce them to all these different games so that they have options going forward in terms of working out and such.”
Girl’s PE Switching to Daily Exercises Instead Of the Mile
Promoting Consistency Over Tests of Endurance
Johnny Tao, Staff Writer • September 27, 2024
Female students will now focus on daily body conditioning activities alongside their usual sport, as opposed to running the mile every two weeks.
After signing up to volunteer to make posters, senior Janna Bouffard sketches out a design which will later be painted and hung in the hallway to promote Movie Night. Student Council began selling tickets for $5 starting September 17th and will stop on September 27th in the cafeteria. “I’m glad I got the opportunity to help,” Bouffard said. “They should get more recognition on the posters because they often tend to be overlooked in the hallways.”
Student Council To Screen ‘High School Musical’ for Annual Movie Night
Homecoming theme to be announced
Mason Rafferty and Angel White September 25, 2024
Student Council shares the process to selecting the homecoming movie and theme.
Completing a poster, sophomores Alejandro Merino and Yara Ahmed are preparing to promote today's event.  They had finished decorations for the event after weeks of work. “Yara and I worked hard to finish this poster before we had to hang it up,” Merino said. “We all have to make designs and then get them approved by our supervisors before executing them. I did the sketching and she did the painting so we could collaborate effectively”.
Student Council Prepares for Upcoming Sophomore Picnic
Aiming to increase connectivity within the class
Brooke Weyandt and Celia Evangelista September 24, 2024
Class of 2027’s Student Council is preparing for the first sophomore-only event.
Handing out certificates to Key Club members, President Ella Abliar congratulates each member that successfully fulfilled their service hour requirement. In order to become an inducted member of the club, members have to complete the service activities to earn their required 50 hours. “I was honored to pass out these awards to all these members who are exceptionally hard-working students that truly showcased the embodiment of Key Club,” Abliar said. “I was happy to see people having fun and showing off the hard work they put in, and my board also did amazing; they helped out a lot, and it made me extremely happy to see that they were just as passionate as everyone else.”
TSA, HOSA, and Key Club meet this week
Joy Ryan, Staff Writer • September 23, 2024
TSA starts mock competitions, HOSA hosts guest speakers, Key Club continues service activities and RTC preparation.
Receiving help on Delta Math from her Guidance teacher, senior Kyra Hee makes an effort to further her understanding of calculus. They reviewed the homework assignment given the previous day. “I took Guidance when I was taking AB as well and it was really helpful,” Hee said. “I had an extra class to ask for help and to get tutored. I felt a lot less overwhelmed than I thought I would be.”
New AP Classes Added to Course Catalog
Students signed up for these new classes at the end of last year
Brooke Weyandt, Staff Writer • September 19, 2024
AP Seminar, AP African American Studies, AP Calculus BC, and AP Literature and Composition have all been added to the course catalog.
Participating in a Splatoon competition, sophomore Jian Arceo strategically makes his way to the opposing team. Competitive Gaming Club members are able to work in teams and communicate the best strategies to win different competitions. “I felt confident that we were going to win,” Arceo said. “Being able to communicate with teammates was a positive, and I felt we were pretty well coordinated throughout the entire game.”
NHS, CGC, FBLA meet this week
Joy Ryan, Staff Writer • September 17, 2024
NHS members get to know one another, CGC continues to compete, FBLA shares more about their competitions.
BREAKING NEWS: California Wildfires Bring Polluted Air to Las Vegas
BREAKING NEWS: California Wildfires Bring Polluted Air to Las Vegas
Students advised to stay inside
Adrienne Vera-Perez, Assistant Editor-in-Chief • September 11, 2024

Wednesday morning, several large wildfires originating in Southern California have pushed smoke, haze, and polluted air into Las Vegas. The air...

Assistant Principal Cameron Roehm stands outside the cafeteria entrance handing out green temporary IDs to the students who forgot their IDs. This policy revamp was created due to last year's temporary ID weakening security measures causing it to be inefficient. “In the past, we did not see much success with the sticker IDs,” Roehm said. “With the new policy, [administration] is starting to notice a decrease in the sales of temporary IDs.”
New Temporary IDs Introduced as a Result of CCSD’s Updated Lanyard Policy
Combating security risks concerning safety
Mason Rafferty, Staff Writer • September 9, 2024
SWCTA introduces new lanyard policy and urges students to bring their lanyard daily.
At the start of class, a student places their phone inside a signal-blocking pouch, which will be sealed shut and can be opened again at the start of passing periods. Other measures were used in the past to limit phone usage, such as cell phone holders on classroom walls. “I actually think this new policy is an improvement from the old one,” Psychology 101 teacher Benjamin Lacombe said. “We are seeing kids now have anxiety if they don’t even have their phone next to them. Now, their phone is just right next to them, and it’s still sealed away.”
Staff Enforce New District-Wide Cell Phone Policy
Efforts made to reduce distractions during instruction
Adrienne Vera-Perez, Assistant Editor-in-Chief • August 29, 2024
Students are now required to place their cell phones inside non-locking signal-blocking pouches during class time.
In preparation for the start of school, Student Council members meticulously paint back to school posters to hang up all around campus. Student Council has dedicated time and effort into raising school spirit. “The assembly is going to bring students together and show how much effort Student Council puts into our school,” junior Adalyn McShane said. “It gives students a break from the stress of school, and allows them to come back next week refreshed and happier.”
Student Council kicks off the year with back to school assembly
Furthering school spirit
Kailie Sicolo, News Editor • August 22, 2024
The assembly will be held on August 23rd.
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