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Southwest Shadow

Kailie Sicolo

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor

Hi everyone! I’m Kailie and I am so excited to be an editor this year. This is my third year writing for the Southwest Shadow and I can’t wait to write some great stories. I love crocheting.
All content by Kailie Sicolo
PODCAST: Senior Imposter Syndrome

PODCAST: Senior Imposter Syndrome

Senior year is often met with feelings of excitement and enthusiasm, but instead, we’ve encountered pressure to act and behave like the seniors that came before us. Join us as we dive into what we call “senior imposter syndrome” and our experiences surrounding it.
Handing out certificates to Key Club members, President Ella Abliar congratulates each member that successfully fulfilled their service hour requirement. In order to become an inducted member of the club, members have to complete the service activities to earn their required 50 hours. “I was honored to pass out these awards to all these members who are exceptionally hard-working students that truly showcased the embodiment of Key Club,” Abliar said. “I was happy to see people having fun and showing off the hard work they put in, and my board also did amazing; they helped out a lot, and it made me extremely happy to see that they were just as passionate as everyone else.”


Joy Ryan, Staff Writer
September 23, 2024

Handing out certificates to Key Club members, President Ella Abliar congratulates each member that successfully fulfilled their service hour requirement. In order to become an inducted member of the club,...

In preparation for the start of school, Student Council members meticulously paint back to school posters to hang up all around campus. Student Council has dedicated time and effort into raising school spirit. “The assembly is going to bring students together and show how much effort Student Council puts into our school,” junior Adalyn McShane said. “It gives students a break from the stress of school, and allows them to come back next week refreshed and happier.”

Student Council kicks off the year with back to school assembly

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor
August 22, 2024
The assembly will be held on August 23rd.
Celebrating their victory, FCCLA members group together to take a picture. All participating members received a gold or silver medal at their competition. “I’m very proud of everyone’s hard work,” adviser Jennifer Gonzales said. “Their projects aren’t ones that can be completed in a couple days. It took hard word and dedication, and the fact everyone earned a silver or gold medal is something to be very proud of.”


Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
April 3, 2024
FCCLA members compete in STAR events, win medals, and spend time together as a chapter.
PODCAST: Fandom Culture

PODCAST: Fandom Culture

As a prevalent part of being a teenager, a lot of us join fandoms to connect with people who share the same interests. Join us as we discuss what it’s like to be part of a fandom and how it has affected our lives.
Using a ruler for measuring, junior Skye Parker works with her partner to place roof tiles on their dollhouse. Correct measurement was an important part of building the dollhouse, as it ensured everything was oriented correctly and evenly. “I never knew math would be so involved with interior design,” Parker said.”It was involved in measuring the shingles so we could cut them, spacing out the wooden poles evenly, and many other parts of the building process.”

An Hour In … Interior Design

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
March 7, 2024
Interior Design students construct dollhouses to study scale models, interior furnishings, exterior architecture.
Posing on the ski lift, senior Neah Tablit ascends up Lee Canyon Ski Resort’s mountains. Lee Canyon has served as an outlet for individuals, like Tablit, to learn new skills like snowboarding, as extreme winter sports aren’t prevalent in Las Vegas. “I was able to step out of my comfort zone,” Tablit said. “Snowboarding introduced me to a completely new physical activity that requires balance, coordination, and strength, which was unfamiliar to me and challenging at first. Snowboarding allowed me to overcome my fear of falling and push myself to try new tricks.”

Enthusiastic Snowboarder: Meet Neah Tablit

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
February 26, 2024
Senior Neah Tablit illustrates her snowboarding journey.
“The haunted house required us to do special effects makeup,” president Zoey Ching said. “Our members really enjoyed this. I hope we can get that much excitement for our upcoming performance, but I’m hopeful since members have expressed desire previously.”

Club Preview: A Look Into The Week Of Feb. 19

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
February 20, 2024
Skills USA prepares for state, NHS allows members to unwind, Drama Club hosts auditions
With the growing availability of the internet, exposure to social media to younger generations is at an all-time high. Younger generations have begun to mature at a quicker rate. “With a phone, you have a lot more freedom on the internet,” Junior Eloisa Valeo said. “When we’re younger, we’re more easily influenced and susceptible to inappropriate or dangerous things online. Exposure to these things when they’re younger can really harm how children grow up.”

Generation Alpha Chasing Maturity

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
February 13, 2024
In the digital age, children are easily exposed to trends catered for adults.
Looking over the rubric, junior Nic Burgess plans out his contribution to the project. His paragraph accompanied his partner’s tribal tattoo drawing. “The paragraph essentially describes what our tattoo or kapa is about,” Burgess said. “I’m not super artistic so I opted to do the research part of the project. Our design is about Pearl Harbor and how it affected Native Hawaiian people at the time.”

An Hour In … US History H

Philipos Alebachew and Kailie Sicolo
January 5, 2024
To show their understanding of the history of Hawaii as a state, US History students sketch visual representations of Hawaiian culture and history.
Where Are They Now: Mia Brewer

Where Are They Now: Mia Brewer

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
December 1, 2023
Here's a look into class of 2017 Mia Brewer's life.
Many upperclassmen start feeling the effects of anxiety as the impending thought of adulthood weighs upon them. To overcome the perils of stress is a struggle in itself. “So many students think there is one path and that they have to figure out what that path is,” counselor Elizabeth Hare said. “I try to teach them that life is full of choices and not to be scared of them. We often learn through our mistakes and if we grow from those mistakes, they are lessons and not failures.”

[Photo] The Stress of (Impending) Adulthood

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
December 8, 2023

Many upperclassmen start feeling the effects of anxiety as the impending thought of adulthood weighs upon them. To overcome the perils of stress is a struggle in itself. “So many students think there...

"One of my best friends is flying in from New York, and we're going to hang out, " Fashion Design teacher Levi Harbeson said. "The F1 race is on The Strip, so we're going to try to avoid it as much as possible. My friend does want to see the Sphere though, so we're going to go see the movie experience at least."

Q&A: What Are You Doing Over The Long Weekend?

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
November 13, 2023
Find out what students and staff are doing this weekend.
Zippy’s Las Vegas location finally opened after great anticipation. Grade A

Embrace the Hawaiian spirit at ‘Zippy’s’

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
October 26, 2023
Familiarize yourself with Hawaii’s Favorite Diner.
Where Are They Now: Jen Chiang

Where Are They Now: Jen Chiang

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
September 26, 2023
Take a look into Class of 2016 graduate Jen Chiang's life.
Club Preview: A Look Into The Week Of September 25

Club Preview: A Look Into The Week Of September 25

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
September 25, 2023
FCCLA holds a student workshop, Key Clubs hosts a service activity, Meteorology Association prepares for school gardens, FBLA announces Member of the Month, and Drama Club plans board elections.
Where Are They Now: Kayla Cassella

Where Are They Now: Kayla Cassella

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
September 11, 2023
Take a look into Class of 2016 graduate Kayla Cassella's life.
Placing her cellphone into the holder, sophomore Alize Quiroz abides to the new restrictions put in place after a series of fake social media accounts were created with the school’s name. This rule was put into place to limit cyberbullying, mainly through the action of taking pictures or videos of students during school hours. “We were never really allowed to use our phones in class anyways,” Quiroz said. “Implementing this new rule really just enforces the current one. I don’t necessarily think this is the correct solution, because there’s lots of other things that could prevent cyberbullying a lot better because it’s going to happen no matter what. However, I see how admin may think it’s fair.”

Surplus of Fake Instagram Accounts for School Clubs, Organizations Cause Problems

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
April 20, 2023
Measures are being taken to put a halt to the harassment and cyberbullying that's been created.
Announcing the plans for the Coyote Olympic event, sophomore class president Brianna Scherschel speaks to the team captains at their meeting on March 22. The meeting went over fees, procedures, and overall information to help prepare students for their upcoming games. “This gives them the necessary information needed for the event and what we expect to see from them,” Schershel said. “This helps our event run much smoother as we know for a fact that the teams are given the information.”

Athletes Prepare to Compete in Annual Coyote Olympic Events

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
March 28, 2023
Eleven teams will compete in volleyball, badminton, and basketball sporting events.
Speaking to Jessica Kelly’s AP Human Geography class, Carolyn Link shares her experience in the environmental chemistry field. Having strong opinions on the topic of women in agriculture, sophomore Jasmine Chanhthavong enjoyed hearing her perspective. “It broadened my perspective of a woman being in the workforce,” Chanhthavong said. “Her experiences and perspectives helped me be informed of policies and programs that promote both sustainable agricultural development and gender equality in one. Not only that, but it has motivated me to learn how to be involved with agriculture for my community and lifestyle. “

Environmental Chemist Guest Speaks for AP Human Geography Students

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
March 8, 2023
Jessica Kelly invites Carolyn Link, one of the 32% of women who work in the male-dominant agriculture industry, to talk to her social studies class.
"I would argue that he's not the greatest of all time, but he's the best in the league," freshman Crispin Njunia said. "The greatest is either MJ or Kobe."

Q&A: Is LeBron James the Greatest Basketball Player of All Time?

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
February 17, 2023
Students let us know if they think LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time.
Researching legislative bills, seniors Yusra Shafique, Vassily Tan, and Jacob Gallardo expand their knowledge on the government and how it’s run. This research acted as the first step of making Laura Penrod’s students more politically aware. “I’m teaching them adult skills that they need to know how to do,” Penrod said. “Some of my students want to own businesses or go off and have these lives and careers that won’t be possible if legislation passes that doesn’t go in their favor.”

English 102 Students Research Legislative Officials For First Project

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
February 14, 2023
Laura Penrod integrates politics into her NSC Dual Credit English 102 class.
Where Are They Now: Lauryn Aubry

Where Are They Now: Lauryn Aubry

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
January 29, 2023
Here's a look into class of 2017 Lauryn Aubry's life.
With the continued rise of social media, more and more teenagers are logging onto apps like Instagram, Tiktok and Twitter. Despite dealing with all of the problems concerning student social media use, assistant principal Cameron Rohem still has faith in the students. “I think most teenagers are definitely responsible enough,” Roehm said. “There are still exceptions, but I think for the most part that high schoolers or even middle schoolers are at an age where they can be responsible for their actions.”

Irresponsible Social Media usage continues to scuff teen digital footprints

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
January 26, 2023
Concern continues to rise regarding Gen Z digital behavior.
To raise money for Key Club, junior Jonathan Lin gets pied in the face. Continuing with the pie-oriented event trend, sophomore president Brianna Scherschel, along with the rest of Student Council, is planning a similar pie-themed event. “We got the idea and started planning before Key Club,” Scherschel said. “We had a good laugh when we found out we both were doing a pie event.”

[Photo] Upcoming ‘Pie-a-Teacher-Palooza’ to be held in the gym

Philipos Alebachew, Staff Writer
January 13, 2023

To raise money for Key Club, junior Jonathan Lin gets pied in the face. Continuing with the pie-oriented event trend, sophomore president Brianna Scherschel, along with the rest of Student Council, is...

Competing in the Esports Mountain Region league playoffs, the Southwest Squids celebrate their hard-earned win. Practicing since September, their hard work pays off. “What sets us apart from the other school teams is that we have a lot more power and a lot more strength as players,” junior Carl Reiner said. “I’m noticing that whenever we play the best teams the region has to offer, I’m just kind of disappointed. I felt like we would have a much bigger competition but it turns out we’re beating them with no more than eighty percent of our power.”

First place, undefeated: Meet the Southwest Squids

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
December 12, 2022
Team will play for the championship on Tuesday.
Meeting the requirements for qualification, the Blue Bird Vision school bus is one of the models that could be introduced to the district. Due to the environmental impact of diesel engines, Automotive Technology teacher Betrand Potts gave his support in the switch to electric vehicles. “The internal combustion engine is a dirty, dirty thing,” Potts said. “Oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel all contribute to pollution, smog, and global warming. Any electric vehicle, I’m a big proponent for.” Photo Credit: Bluebird-Vision-Electric © UniversityRailroad, CC BY-SA 4.0

New Electric Buses Join CCSDs Current Fleet

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
November 18, 2022
CCSD received a grant of $9.875 million to purchase 25 electric school buses.
Where Are They Now: Xena Miranda

Where Are They Now: Xena Miranda

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
November 10, 2022
Take a look into Class of 2017 graduate Xena Miranda's life.
Where Are They Now: Janessa Montenegro

Where Are They Now: Janessa Montenegro

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
November 4, 2022
Take a look into Class of 2017 graduate Janessa Montenegro's life.
An Hour In ... Graphic Design I

An Hour In … Graphic Design I

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
November 4, 2022
Using Adobe Photoshop, students in Jennifer Gonzalez's Graphic Design l class create infographics based on their favorite movies/TV shows.
Teaching Regional Training Conference cheers, Key Club board members Vassily Tan and Jaydee Punzalan display their spirit. Board members have been preparing cheers since before the school year started in hopes of victory. “These cheers are very special to us, specifically our Vice President of Spirit, because we worked all throughout the summer to make sure we were ready come RTC,” Punzalan said, “The process helped me grow closer with both the board and other members so I’m thankful for the opportunity.”

[Photo] Upcoming Fall Rally South To Be Held At Six Flags

Jianna Aganon, Staff Writer
November 2, 2022

Teaching Regional Training Conference cheers, Key Club board members Vassily Tan and Jaydee Punzalan display their spirit. Board members have been preparing cheers since before the school year started...

VIB: This weekend in Vegas 10/28/22

VIB: This weekend in Vegas 10/28/22

Kailie Sicolo
October 28, 2022
Find something fun to do this weekend.
VIB: This weekend in Las Vegas 10/21/22

VIB: This weekend in Las Vegas 10/21/22

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
October 21, 2022
Find something fun to do this weekend.
The new teachers of the school help their students with their class assignments. Even with a national teacher shortage, new teachers started on campus this past August. “I started teaching because I want to at least have a small impact on students and help them achieve what they want,” English 11/12 teacher Jacob Hill said. “I think without education it's possible, but it’s challenging to achieve your goals.”

Newly-Hired Teachers Help Resolve Teacher Shortage

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
October 5, 2022
Teachers hired from inside and outside the district to fill open positions.