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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Achilles Caranto

Achilles Caranto, Activities Director

Hi, I'm Achilles and this is my second year as a member of the Southwest Shadow. I love writing for the Shadow and in my free time I like listening to music.
All content by Achilles Caranto
Horse Jumper of Love releases their fourth album. Rating: A

Brace Yourself for a Somber Listen with “Disaster Trick”

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
September 14, 2024
The intense album impressively mixes gentler songs with heavier ones.
To end the ceremony, the wedding has a bouquet toss, with junior Ava Torres being the one to catch it. “Honestly, I am a very competitive person,” junior Ava Torres said. “My biggest regret last year was probably not catching the bouquet, so I knew that this year failure was not an option. I’m pretty sure I pushed some people aside, but it was worth it. “

An Hour In … Newspaper

Achilles Caranto, Activities Director
September 11, 2024
Southwest Shadow members pledge their commitment to the publication in a mock wedding.
Posing for the crowd, senior Kyla Rodriguez models another students’ garment during the Fashion Forward event. “It was pretty stressful, especially with the time that we were given,” Rodriguez said. “With everything going on, we've had so many projects. My mind was going to so many different places, but I mainly put my focus on this, just preparing for it. I had to put 100% into it.”

Fashion Students Sweep ‘Fashion Forward’ Event

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
April 19, 2024
Students from the Fashion Design program have finished competing in the Fashion Forward event, with several placing highly as a finalist.


Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
March 18, 2024
With detention becoming more common among students, here are some ways to avoid an after-school sentence.

Draw My Shadow: Josh Burgos

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
February 15, 2024
Guitarist Josh Burgos Explores Life as a Musician
 Lots of students have major tunnel vision about life after high school, but there are a lot of options other than college or the workforce. While many seniors have set plans after high school, others who are undecided look to college to help them figure things out. “College is the next step,” senior Alyssa Hong said. “For me, I feel like I need to go to college because there's going to be more opportunities for me in college, although not everyone has to go to college to succeed.”

Maybe College Isn’t the Next Step

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
February 2, 2024
Plans for after graduation are very college-centered, despite worthwhile alternatives.


Achilles Caranto and Hunter Rhee
December 18, 2023
To prepare for the SkillUSA fundraiser, the Culinary III students work together to make cookie dough.
Monitoring the cafeteria and senior checkouts, newly appointed assistant principal Adonai John-Shiman is completing lunch duty on her third day. “I'm excited to be here,” Shiman said. “I know new is sometimes uncomfortable for people, so having a new administrator can be uncomfortable, but I would like everyone, students and faculty, to know that I am here with an open door to embrace whatever has already been the culture at Southwest and just add a little bit of myself to that.”

Assistant Principal Adonai John-Shiman Joins Faculty

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
December 11, 2023
New Assistant Principal Adonai John-Shiman has a passion for education.


Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
December 7, 2023
Have you ever had trouble dealing with people? These psychological hacks might make people easier to navigate.
Senior Jayson DeGuzman works with his group to plan out his class’ Rube Goldberg machine. “The Rube Goldberg machine project was fun and different from what we’ve done in Engineering,” DeGuzman said. “Personally, I’ve liked to build things ever since I was a kid and being able to build something big like that with all my friends was pretty cool.”

Senior, Junior Engineers Compete To Construct Best Project

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
November 9, 2023
After months of preparation, seniors and juniors are competing against each other to design the better project.