Future plans for FCCLA, HOSA, Environmental Club
Sharing with the group, sophomore HOSA member Kylie Chelise Dacquel shares her future career goals during a HOSA meeting. Other students were invited to speak about their ambitions. “We hope our members will interact with each other more,” president Yusra Shafique said. “We are trying to create lasting friendships through our meetings and the volunteer events they attend.”
September 27, 2022
FCCLA, E-106, every Tuesday
As the state competition approaches, FCCLA members are choosing an event of their choice to prepare for.
“They will be looking at the criteria for their chosen event and brainstorming ideas,” FCCLA President Karim Abd-Elmalek said. “They will be asking me, or an officer, questions.”
At the competition, FCCLA members will be interacting with people who share similar ideas and StarEvents, which opens new opportunities.
“State competition is one of my favorite things about FCCLA,” Abd-Elmalek said “It’s such an amazing experience to have. Being able to meet new people from around Nevada and socialize with people who are doing the same event as you.”
HOSA, Cafeteria, every second and fourth Tuesday
Members of HOSA will be going over general reminders of their membership applications and fees, including any club-related questions they might have.
“I think the biggest thing I’m hoping members will get out of attending our meetings is the ability to advocate for themselves,” President Yusra Shafique said. “We’re encouraging members to reach out with any questions they might have.”
During the first week of November, HOSA will be reviewing volunteer opportunities as well as their blood drive.
“I’m overjoyed that we as a club are able to hold blood drives up to three times a year,” Shafique said. “There’s a shortage of blood donations in Nevada, and one donation can help up to about three people. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for the students and staff of the school.”
Environmental Club, C201, every second and fourth Wednesday
Aiming to create a better environment, the Environmental Club is starting the month with a campus clean up.
“Something we’re really focusing on is microplastics,” representative Carmen Ruiz said. “So making sure the plastics don’t end up where they’re not supposed to, like harming plants, trees, and our water sources is really important to us.”
After the Campus Clean Up, the club is planning for a clothing trade-up.
“We’re inviting all students from the campus to bring clean clothes,” Ruiz said. “Either to swap out for something else, or even if they just want to leave it and donate it, we will take those clothes to the local homeless shelter.”