The following story was written by DJ Madamba as part of the Journalism Foundations first semester exam. These are the first profiles these students have written.
Inside a valley middle school was a room filled with intriguing instruments. From the violin to the bass, 8th graders were able to choose what instrument they wanted to play.
Surrounded by a family that had a passion for music, freshman Zoe Rawlins’ curiosity and passion in instruments peaked when she chose the bass as her main instrument in middle school.
“Our house has a band room and once I saw his [Rawlin’s father’s] guitars hanging up on the wall, it made me become interested in them,” Rawlins said. “I felt like it was an easy instrument to learn since my father had some knowledge around it.”
Being taught various instruments from the very beginning, Rawlins’ instrument journey did not truly flourish up until middle school orchestra when she started playing the big bass.
“It all began from my mother trying to teach me the piano and cello,” Rawlins said. “I quit both of them until middle school orchestra playing the big bass.”
After graduating middle school, Rawlins learned she still wanted to play bass so her eyes have been set on a bass guitar.
“I was amazed with how well my father played it [the guitar],” Rawlins said. “It is what made me want to learn mine in the first place.
Growing up in a family who loved instruments, maintenance plays a big role in Rawlins’ hobby. From needing new items to fixing an issue, it can be quite expensive to properly maintain her bass guitar.
“My guitar costs about $150 while amps cost $50 – $100,” Rawlins said. “It kind of depends on the necessities but it is average for an instrument like mine.”
Although having a family with experiences around instruments, Rawlins still finds difficulty playing. From new songs to difficult techniques, there are a few skills in which she has to work hard to be proficient in.
“It can be quite frustrating trying to learn a difficult technique or song,” Rawlins said. “At the end it is rewarding because I finally got the ease after many attempts.”
Though finding difficulty in learning and practicing, Rawlins has a few favorites throughout her learning journey.
“My favorite song to play is ‘Here Comes Your Man’ by the Pixies,” Rawlins said. “My friend told me about the song and it has been stuck in my head ever since.”
Despite being a die hard guitar lover, she partakes in other hobbies outside her instrument as it helps relax her mind.
“I love my bass guitar but I like other hobbies that are easy to do,” Rawlins said. “Such as playing horror with my friends or single player games. It can be really entertaining.”
As Rawlins continues to grow up, she sees herself still playing instruments in the future as it has become a part of her identity.
“I still see myself playing my bass guitar and another instrument in the future,” Rawlins said. “I am unsure what the other instrument would be but I want instruments to stick with me for many years to come.”