Holding on to the spark you feel for an interest you develop at a young age becomes more and more difficult as you grow older, but for Video Production Teacher and part-time ref Ernesto Zita, his love of hockey burns just as bright with age.
“I thought I’d give it a try as being a referee, and it’s something I came to love doing,” Zita said. “It’s a lot of fun, and I get paid to be on the ice. It’s a double benefit there, I love skating, and getting paid to be so intertwined with a lifelong dream of mine really excites me.”
Since his childhood, playing hockey has always been an obligation for Zita. Influenced by his parents and peers, professional hockey became his personal goal.
“Hockey’s been my passion since I was a kid,” Zita said. “When you’re growing up in Canada it’s baked into you. I’ve always been involved in some type of hockey, in some shape or form, and my lifelong dream was to make it to the NHL.”
Students of Zita’s video production class are surprised by his knack for being on the ice.
“It’s such an interesting passion that I wouldn’t have expected if he hadn’t shared in class,” freshman Cypher Andres said. “I think it’s neat that Mr. Zita is so passionate about hockey even after being around it for as long as he has.”
Zita often integrates anecdotes from his experience in hockey to help engage students in his curriculum and connect to students on a more personal level.
“One of the main things you’re going to learn, especially in hockey, is working with the team and being able to work with people you don’t know,” Zita said. “You don’t get to choose who you’ll work with, but you better know how to work together and know how to reach your goals as a collective.”
Zita serves as a positive role model both in the classroom and outside of it, demonstrating solid dedication and motivation for students to look up to.
“Balancing teaching and hockey must be hard to do, and I can’t really imagine how Mr. Zita is able to do it,” freshman Chasity Xiala Semitara said. “It’s very respectable given how much effort goes into doing what he does.”
Being in the business for so long, Zita’s mindset about approaching reffing has evolved into what it is today.
“If both teams hate me, I know I’m doing a good job. That’s a good mentality to have as a sports rep in general because you’re not gonna be able to please everyone at a time, Zita said.”