The following story was written by Karmen Cao as part of the Journalism Foundations first semester exam. These are the first profiles these students have written.
Sticker collecting has grown from what was once considered a childhood hobby into a unique way for people of all ages to express themselves and feel a sense of enjoyment–one design at a time.
As a girl who just wants to fill her life with something joyful–collecting stickers–freshman Janica Zamora looks forward to sticking them onto her otherwise drab drawer and turning it into something with a little more personalization.
“Stickers might seem kinda simple, but they’re like little snapshots of moods, moments, and stuff I love,” Zamora said. “Each one I have, has got a story. People can gain a sense of identity, and it builds purpose.”
She continues to express a unique bond with each sticker, viewing them as more than just decorations but as meaningful motivation.
“It’s my way of holding onto life’s little pieces in this fun, colorful way,” Zamora said.
This entire journey traces back to the day in middle school when she first received a sticker that influenced her decision on this lifelong connection.
“I started my collection last year,” Zamora said. “But the first sticker I ever collected was in 8th grade, when my English teacher would always hand them out.”
Zamora’s collection of stickers ranges from a variety of styles and themes; however, she does have some preferences.
“I like cute animal and plant stickers,” Zamora said. “I collect all and any type of stickers, but the most stickers I get are paper stickers.”
One of Zamora’s most cherished stickers is a mermaid personalization set, a gift from her mom that holds deep sentimental value.
“Every time I look at it, I’m reminded of her and how much she cares for me,” Zamora said. “It is a constant reminder of how each of my stickers have different stories behind achieving them.”
Adding on to that, the mermaid stickers evoked nostalgia—memories from her childhood when she and her sister had a doll collection.
“It’s like the dolls I used to play with,” Zamora said, “Where I could customize them with pieces, making them feel personal and unique.”
She believes that everyone should acquire a collection that is unique to them, one that brings happiness and reflects themselves.
“Happiness and individuality come from building something that represents you in any way,” Zamora said. “It is a reflection of who you are, and I think people can do something similar.”
As she continues to grow her collection, Zamora hopes to inspire others to find their own form of expression through stickers.
“It’s not just about the design, but how it makes you feel,” Zamora said. “I hope this helps everyone find something that inspires them in that way.”