It has no specific date, it arrives at different times for different people, but nevertheless, it occurs every year. Spring: The time when our houses are aired out, our summer clothes are peeking through our various washed out winter attire, and the flip flops come out to play. Amongst all of the hoopla that brings smiles to our faces and pigment to our skin, spring fever is the epitome of sane insanity.
Once the sun peeks through the dark endless clouds that symbolize winter, it is close to impossible to avoid being diagnosed. It is simply the excitement we feel when we realize that summer is closer, and winter is long gone, leaving no tracks behind. With nothing to look forward to beside surf and sun, the excitement turns a select few loony.
Personally, I am always struck by spring fever. The thoughts of school being out in a couple of weeks, the excitement of upcoming vacations, and summer plans make me jittery and already takes my mind far off of school. On top of my wacky and overly-optimistic personality lately, I have a really good feeling that this summer will be the best one yet.
Scientifically, this season is supposed to bring people down and implement a state of fatigue and a lack of energy. Evidently, the energy around me is positive and upbeat lately, which is a wave of refreshment that I truly needed.My optimistic spirit is at an all time high, as I have a great feeling about this season’s outcome.
The fashion presented with the warmth of the sun is quite enlightening, as I’ve always been more attracted to the spring pastels and cute sandals to accompany sundresses. With pastel pinks, blues, greens, and purples, spring brings a happy ambiance, as it sweeps everything with positivity and warmth
As a representation of the bad being washed away, and the good blooming, this spring is fresh, new and promising for people of all ages.