Photo Credit: Michelle Manuel
“I have so much plans for summer break!”
“Your really cool, we should hang out!”
“There are some lose screws in that CNC machine.”
Tweets, Facebook updates, and Instagram descriptions like these haunt me in my sleep. They gnaw at my brain and slap me in the face. “Why?” you might ask, well it is very simple, these quotes have something in common with each other. If you cannot distinguish what that similarity is, I might just have to never talk to you again.
Grammar is an aspect in life that everyone in the United States education system is taught in and is used everyday. Whether it be in English class, math class, or journalism, learning how to write and speak in English is taught everywhere.
However, even though English is hammered into each student by making them practice writing skills, there are still those out there that decide not to use this knowledge and instead use improper grammar. This, more than anything in the world, irritates me.
I will admit, there are still times when I use the wrong form of “your” and “there”, but I am always quick to correct myself.
I believe that proper grammar and the way someone speaks is a representation of themselves through words. For example, someone who uses grammar properly during PBL’s and presentations appears as dignified and intelligent.
I would like to assume that society would like to be seen as intelligent and dignified, rather than obnoxious and loud. However, if you think differently, then you might want to look into changing that mindset.
So for those of you who do not care about how you use grammar, I highly suggest to start caring. It will not only help you later on in life when looking for a job or participating in an interview, but it will also help you not irritate others.