Over the years, people have gotten more easier to offend, even if whatever they were offended by was unintentional. In this article, I will show you how to properly address sensitive topics, while being politically correct.
After attending a rally for a presidential candidate, I am inspired to step up and have a more active role in choosing who serves in our nation's government.
Upcoming crossover movie, "Nicktoons" has been announced by Paramount Pictures to cater towards children today that didn't experience the classic cartoons. Have you ever wondered how do the classic Nicktoon characters feel about the current state of Saturday morning cartoons?
Gun control has been an on-going problem within the U.S.; in order for any progress to be made, Americans must be willing to adapt to new ideas and abide by new safety regulations.
Life hacks are a trend in social media in which the poster insists that the standard way of doing a task is ‘totally’ wrong. Here’s why they should be left in the soil to rot.