
Five things you should do before you graduate julia jauregui

1. Take a road trip with friends

Whether it's 30 minutes down Mt. Charleston to take a hike or a three-day California trip during spring break, any sort of trip with friends is memorable forever.

2. Volunteer

Taken at Las Vegas Rescue Mission

Volunteering for a worthy cause always feels rewarding whether it's required for your club or simply for fun. Creating crafts for kids at children's hospitals or volunteering at animal shelters is one of my favorites!

3. Join a club

It doesn't have to be for all four years if you don't like it, but if you want an easy opportunity to meet new people as well as add a cool component to your future resume, there's no hurt in trying!

4. Make a resume

Photo courtesy of Adobe

Having a simple resume of your school accomplishments are so important for applying to your first job. Your teachers and counselers can help you and with the right requirements, one look at a clean, formal resume differentiates you from another potential candidate.

5. Make a physical photo album

In our day and time, we rely so heavily on our phones to keep all our photos safe. Meanwhile, deciding to print out your photos and placing them in an album of all your high school memories are so great for looking back on in the future.

Photo courtesy of Adobe


Created with images by VadimGuzhva - "Knowledge. Caps Up. Finish Studies. Have Fun." • Jirapong - "hr audit resume applicant paper and interview with using computer laptop for selection human resource to company." • Angelov - "travel photo books lie near the Christmas tree"