Head of Dental Program Kirsten Winfield Leaves, Dr. Cynthia Wong Steps In

Students will maintain their current schedule during transition


Paizley Swaney and Lin Johnson

Announcing that they will be resigning their current positions, Dental teacher Kirsten Winfield and Health Science teacher Cynthia Wong are shown great appreciation on their last day. While Winfield is leaving the district, Wong takes over just next door. “I’m not excited to see Winfield leave, but I am very grateful to get a teacher like Dr.Wong to step in,” junior Daphney Garcia-Hatton said.

Paizley Swaney, Staff Writer

After accepting an opportunity to become a territory sales representative for Patterson Dental, Kirsten Winfield  announced that she would be resigning from CCSD. 

“I’m really excited to get back out into the dental field, one as a single parent, but also as an independent Hispanic woman,” Winfield said. “I think it’s going to be a really good advantage for my life as for flexibility with my schedule and financial stability. I’m one hundred percent going to miss teaching, but my students have taught me so much to help me re-fire that passion I have to get back into the dental field.”

The second teacher to lead the dental program long-term after Dr. Michael Georges, Winfield feels satisfied with the impact she has left.

“I’ve been able to get this program nationally certified through the NELDA exam, we’ve written the curriculum for the upcoming years and my kids have placed in states,” Winfield said. “I wish I could be in two places at once, but I hope to leave them with bright futures and confidence to be successful in whatever they do in their life.”

Winfield’s students showed appreciation by delivering flowers, letters and more on her last day.

“My friends and I got a basket of gifts with all of her favorite snacks, flowers, and other things she likes to show how much we appreciate her,” junior Daphney Garcia-Hatton said. “I’ve also seen seniors that did a little surprise party where they set up balloons, candy and food.”

The dental classes will now be led by currently licensed dentist and Health Science teacher Dr. Cynthia Wong.

“I grew up surrounded by a family of doctors, dentists and other people working in healthcare before I became a dentist years ago so I have tons of experience,” Wong said. “Winfield is totally setting me up for success over there in the dental program.”

Having a long history of working in private practice with health care in nursing, Wong feels confident to teach content of familiarity to her, but is uncertain of what’s to come with a new set of students.

“Looking at the standards and curriculum, I can see that I understand every point completely. It’s just a matter of stepping in and getting comfortable now,” Wong said. “It’s really tough because Winfield has some big shoes to fill and it can be difficult going into something that’s already been there for a super long time.” 

Keeping optimistic, the students are making do with their new classroom circumstances as best as they can, both collectively and individually.

“Change is always good, but everyone can agree that seeing [the teachers] leave is very sad,” sophomore Clancy Njunia said.