Satire: Let’s tax poor people even more
Encourage societal development, drop the socialism

“Taxing the rich” has been a signature catchphrase for most left-leaning voters and politicians alike. While taxing the super rich may be beneficial for the welfare of middle-class America, how does the government expect to pay their multi-million dollar mansions and 20 Ferraris? Photo Credit: Philip Taylor PT
February 26, 2023
A large portion of Americans today agree that the top 1% of the country should be taxed substantially more than lower classes to help alleviate the poverty-inducing taxes on those who really need the money. In fact, there’s been a major political debate on the concept of progressive tax, in which tax rates increase with the increase of salary as well.
However, there are many arguments criticizing the already faltering tax system in America today: that although the top percentage in America pays the majority of the income tax, the system still unfairly favors big corporations and money-makers. Let’s keep it that way.
For starters, equal taxation is a socialist concept, plain and simple. If I’m a successful adventurist in a society built on the fundamentals of capitalism, which to note has made us the strongest nation in the world, why the hell would I have to pay for other people? My money should not be spent on welfare for those in need, it should be spent on what I decide to do with it — if I want to buy myself millions of Robux instead of helping to educate the next generation of Americans in schools, then I should hold the right to do that.
(Don’t) Tax the Rich by Rhamil Aloysius Taguba [STUDENT]
Plus, the top 10% is paying more than half of the income rates in the U.S. — their income rates are significantly higher than those of lower classes. So if we really want to be socialist, let’s get some fair tax rates. Forget who really needs the money the most, we need fairness first and foremost.
And while we’re at it, let’s lower the corporate tax as well, even though they already pay an underwhelming amount of money compared to income or individual taxes. By not taxing these huge multi-billion dollar corporations, we can encourage development funding and keep the capitalist machine growing further and further, introducing new jobs and higher salaries (which will be useless due to the addition of more taxes on the working class).
Who needs equity when you can have equality? It isn’t fair that the rich are paying more than the others just because they’re rich — it really should be the majority of the population paying the majority of the tax. Or maybe a better idea, let’s abolish the IRS. No more taxes, perhaps?