Photo Credit: Jacob Berroya
The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not risking anything at all.
-Mark Zuckerberg
Risk, a word that means a lot to some, and little to others. There are numerous arguments and debates going on about this topic ranging from taking a risk and asking the girl of your dreams out on a date to risking your life to protect your country. Whichever side of the argument you fall on, whether risks should be taken, or someone should be safe and not take any risks at all, this long drawn out topic leaves us with the question, “To risk, or not to risk?”
For me, there is no argument. Risk it. Risk it all. Go out, live your life, and risk everything in order to achieve your dream. Do not stop for anything or anyone during your pursuit of happiness and make it big.
[vision_pullquote style=”1″ align=”center”] Sure, there might be a chance of you failing at the end and being miserable, but its better to crash and burn than to die a slow, painful death, if you catch my drift. [/vision_pullquote]
I absolutely dread the idea of living through life without taking risks. Although cliché, you really do only have one life to live, so why not live it trying to achieve something great? Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and so many other amazing people did not go idly through life. They wanted fame. They wanted greatness. They wanted success, so they went after it.
I have taken numerous risks in my life, and I am not going to lie, some of them did not go the way I wanted them to go. However, I was able to learn from every one of those risks. Whether it was a tiny risk like doing my first back-flip and opening the door to a life of parkour, or asking my very first girlfriend to go out on a date with me, I have gained more than I lost.
However, I am not advocating students to risk their lives to obtain their own success, I am merely saying that taking safe risks could potentially lead you to a happy and successful life. There are so many places, events, and people in this world to go visit, participate in, and meet, but you will never know of these if you do not take the risk and become successful enough to do all of these.
Sure, there might be a chance of you failing at the end and being miserable, but its better to crash and burn than to die a slow, painful death, if you catch my drift.
Ok, maybe that analogy was a little harsh, but I am sure you get the point. Taking risks is a part of life that is necessary to become successful. Whether it be risking your friendships with people to stay home and study, or risking your own life to protect the country, risks are needed in this world.
So go out and see the world, marry someone from another country, or even become an adventurer. Do something that you want to do and risk everything in order to be able to do it.