There they are, returning students laughing with their friends, couples hugging their significant others, while others are screaming at the top of their lungs about how they missed each other over the summer break.
Then there is you, a lonely, awkward, and completely clueless freshman.
This is the beginning of your high school life.
As a freshman, you may be considered the grass, the algae, the plankton; in nicer terms, you are starting from the bottom. Fair or not, opinions and stereotypes about freshmen exist whether you like it or not.
First impressions are key to starting your high school life. It will either kick start your popularity, or set you back a few paces. For example, meeting a really attractive person and having a nice conversation with him/her without being awkward would be a nice start to a friendship. However, if you meet that person and he/she immediately notices the dangling drool that is on your mouth, the situation might turn a little weird.
[vision_pullquote style=”1″ align=”center”] Although there might be stereotypes about freshmen, there is no real evidence that says you have to comply with these stereotypes. [/vision_pullquote]
Now, there is no real reason why your situation is like this, and sure, I might be over-exaggerating just a tiny bit, but this is just how school works. Much like how businesses, jobs, and even your household works, there is a sense of seniority. Those who have more experience than you in certain subjects tend to feel as if they are superior. It may not be right, but this happens almost everywhere..
However, there is absolutely no reason why a freshman should be scared, intimidated, or feel even slightly inferior to the rest of the student body. Although there might be stereotypes about freshmen, there is no real evidence that says you have to comply with these stereotypes. Therefore, a newcomer should not be uneasy when they first meet an upperclassmen.
On the other hand, trying too hard during your first encounters with anyone can be annoying and uncomfortable. Complimenting someone too much, always hanging around them, and trying your very best to be by their side in every situation might just become awkward. Instead, compliment them, but keep it honest, hang around them, but give them their space, and be there for them, but do not invade their personal space until they know you.
Seniors, and arguably juniors, have worked hard to be able to graduate to the next grade and find their select group of friends. Therefore, just to make your life a little easier, you should have respect for them.
Overall, yes, high school can be very intimidating. A new territory to try and conquer, new teachers to try and work with, and new people to try and be friends with can all be overwhelming. However, trying to do all of these and failing is ten times better than not trying and failing at the end anyways. So try your best, have some fun, and make a great impression!