Photo Credit: Jacob Berroya
Hearing the soft laughter of my friends in the background, running around for hours until we can no longer run, and having a smile on my face at all times are all memories as a child. But now, all of it has changed. It is clear to me now that I am growing up, and it is going by faster than I would like.
It seems as if the little activities like playing fetch with my dogs, climbing the tallest trees, and tumbling around the light-green grass around the giant playgrounds with my friends, are no longer viable for enjoyment. It feels like I am on board a freight train that never stops to allow me to see what is around me. It might just be me, but I think I might be growing up too fast.
Being 17 years old, there are so many new opportunities that come up in life. A car, later curfew, and even a job. However, I cannot help myself when it comes to reminiscing about my past as a young boy with a carefree life. A few questions pop up in my mind when thinking of this: Is growing up really all that great? What is going to happen to me when school is finished? Is it possible to have a care-free life again?
All dumb questions, but still humorous to think about. I guess I have no choice in this matter since every human goes through the same process. Growing up and finding other hobbies and careers that will occupy my time in order to replace school is just how life is.
Little things like homecoming dances, Sadies, and after school clubs. These are all overlooked by so many people because they want to isolate themselves to a group of people or even by themselves. They are missing out on so much when the opportunity is right in front of their face. For example, the little memories like taking pictures with your friends, hearing the funniest joke, or even eating the best meals with your friends will all be gone.
If I could go back in time and relive my elementary school days, I would take it in a heartbeat. Just once I would love to be a kid again and not have anything weighing me down. As of right now, everything in my life is somewhat repetitive. School, homework, clubs, and the occasional lazy day are the only things I do with my days.
Slow down. You do not have to grow up so fast. Though there are many constraints that prohibit or stop you from doing what you want to do when you are a teenager, there are so many more constraints that prohibit you even more from following your dreams when you are older. I have heard from older people that they wish they could go back to when they were young. Judging from that, you should enjoy the little time you have left being a teenager.
Another question that pops up is what will happen to the people that I have met? The people being, you. What will you do when you graduate? Will we still be talking, or will we grow apart and not talk ever again? I guess only time will tell.