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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

"Me and my friend group are doing a group costume inspired by Scooby-Doo," senior Alyssa Ramirez said. "I decided to dress up as Shaggy because he's goofy and lazy and I just really resonate with him."

Q&A: Are you dressing up for Halloween?

Hear what costumes students are planning to show out in this October 31.
Social worker Marcella Garcia and SEIF Maura Staten work together to build a jigsaw puzzle with a student. They both engaged in conversation with the student fostering a calm and supportive environment.  “We don't want to add too much pressure,” Garcia said. “[Students]  already have a full schedule and things that [they] have to do, and so we want to make sure that principals patio doesn't add to the pressure of having to get things done. We really do want to try to keep it as unstructured as possible in a safe way.

Social Workers Introduce Principal’s Patio for Students

Jaden Espinueva, Staff Writer
October 24, 2024
To create a relaxed space for students, social workers Jocelyn Kim and Marcella Garcia establish Principal’s Patio.
The genre of K-pop has spread across the globe, but Western and K-pop musicians are held to much different standards. K-pop idols are subject to harsh expectations like having pale skin, no acne and perfect bodies, while western artists typically have more freedom in terms of the clothes they wish to wear or the persona they project. “K-pop artists have it somewhat harder than Western artists,” sophomore Jaidelyn Wiseman said. “They both share similar experiences, but K-pop idols don’t really have the freedom of dating, their schedules, or how much they work and overall I just think that K-pop idols face a lot of harsher beauty standards and expectations than western artists.”


Joy Ryan, Staff Writer
October 23, 2024
K-pop and Western music artists face double standards.

MOOT Court: Mock Supreme Court Cases

Devin Uclaray, Shadow Files Reporter
October 23, 2024
Learn about the process of how students participate in a simulated Supreme Court proceeding.
Listening to board members announce upcoming events, senior Harris Gibirila expresses excitement with his brother. Gibirla looked forward to HOSA’s Parent’s Night Out event. “Volunteering at an event that gives kids with down syndrome an opportunity for some freedom sounded really interesting to me,” Gibrila said. “As a volunteer, we would be watching them so they have some form of supervision from a person their age.”

Club Preview: A Look Into The Week Of Oct. 21

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor
October 22, 2024
HOSA prepares members for their upcoming blood drive and SLC events, Dungeons and Dragons begins playing, and Speech and Debate celebrates members’ wins at the October tournament.

Last Week In Sports: 10/14-10/21

Nino Galloway, Sports Writer
October 22, 2024

Homecoming 2024: Hoco Wrapped

Travis McGinnis, Shadow Files Director
October 22, 2024
Learn what students' and STUCO members' thought of this year's homecoming dance.
In the past few months, Korean makeup brand Tirtir has expanded their shade range for their Mask Fit Red Cushion Foundation to include thirty different colors, a large expansion from the three that were previously offered.

K-Beauty is Made for Koreans

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor
October 22, 2024
Recently, Korean Beauty brands have been a hot topic of conversation concerning their very limited shade ranges.
With its unique gameplay style and fun graphics, “What The Car?” brings a new twist on an old genre. Rating: A- Photo Credit: © 2024 Triband

Live Your Wildest Racing Dreams in ‘What The Car?’

Hunter Rhee, Multimedia Editor
October 18, 2024
“What The Car?” has a distinct gameplay style and entertaining graphics that set it apart from other racing games.
To prepare for the AP test, senior Andre Aquino is working out problems on the white board. He’s been practicing these problems for many weeks now, and thinks that he’s going to do well with the help of the teacher. “I think it’s definitely a very energetic way of teaching,” Aquino said. “I feel like it does get me ready for Calculus. I feel very awake when I’m in this class.”

An Hour In … AP Calculus AB

Hunter Rhee, Multimedia Editor
October 18, 2024


Welcome yourself to Dirty Dough, where the flavors rotate weekly, with a new texture experience within each cookie.

Craze Over Cookies at ‘Dirty Dough’

Isabella Sandoval, Staff Writer
October 17, 2024
This Arizona-based bakery is all about bold flavors and sweet treats that awaken the senses.
Gentle parents attempt to uplift children without pressure, but this ultimately crushes them.

‘It’s Okay’ Isn’t Enough

Amelia Castellanos, Staff Writer
October 17, 2024

There’s a popular belief in today’s parenting world that gentle parenting—characterized by calm conversations and comforting pats on the back—is the best way to raise emotionally healthy children....