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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Starting to prepare the garden, sophomore Adrienne Vera-Perez helps to collect soil samples. The club has been gathering samples to determine when to plant certain crops in the garden. “We take a bunch of soil to test the pH and if it would be good for growing in Mrs. Horner's classroom,” Vera-Perez said. “We realized that it wouldn’t be the best time to plant stuff in the garden right now. That’s going to be something we do later in the year, probably after winter break.”

Nevada Department of Education donates to new school garden

Amelia Castellanos, Staff Writer
November 30, 2023
Club members begin to work on a gardening project.
Cracking eggs for the wet portion of the ingredients, junior Zarah Abarico prepares cookie dough for the SkillsUSA fundraiser. Abarico and other culinary students will be taking a field trip to learn more about the food industry.. “Sysco and Newport are both food purveyors and supply a lot of the ingredients we purchase,” Culinary teacher Chef Michael Hadobas said. “We’ve been working with the Nevada Restaurant Association for six weeks now to plan this trip, and I think it is something we will do every year.”

Advanced Culinary Students to Visit ‘Newport Meat Company’

Philipos Alebachew, Staff Writer
November 27, 2023
Seniors and a select group of juniors in the culinary program will be leaving campus to learn about meat grading and manufacturing processes.


Ayma Malik, Editor in Cheif
November 21, 2023
School will resume on November 27.
To prepare for Friendsgiving, Student Council is creating decorations for the event. They have not had a Friendsgiving for a long time, so they want this one to be different. “It’s Southwest, we need teamwork,” StuCo member Sahib Rattan said. “Having that Friendsgiving makes it just a lot easier, being able to meet the club heads and such.”

Student Council ‘Friendsgiving’ Extends

Hunter Rhee, Staff Writer
November 15, 2023
Student council is hosting a "Friendsgiving" for various school clubs.
During both lunches, BSU historian Rediate Hunde sells tickets to students to watch the upcoming volleyball tournament. The tournament will take place after school in the gym where students can watch the competition and cheer on their friends. “I might be a referee or I might just be a spectator, but for the most part I’m going to be watching and helping around,” Hunde said. “I’m excited to see school spirit and involvement, people actually having fun, people having something to look forward to after school and bringing that sport element to our school.”


Joy Ryan, Staff Writer
November 13, 2023
The volleyball tournament will be held Nov. 14 and 15 after school at 2:00 p.m.
To encourage more students to eat breakfast, a rolling cart with bagged meals is available before school hours. On average, more than 27 percent of students ages 12 to 19 skip breakfast. “The CCSD Food department thought that some students might cut breakfast out of their daily diet for many reasons, one being the lack of time,”  Food Service Manager Sisco Murillo said. “Having a sack lunch bag ready would help cut some of that time down and provide convenience.”

‘Fresh-and-Fast’ Breakfast Program starts

Yaritzza Montenegro, Copy Editor
November 9, 2023
Efforts made to combat skipping breakfast.
Senior Jayson DeGuzman works with his group to plan out his class’ Rube Goldberg machine. “The Rube Goldberg machine project was fun and different from what we’ve done in Engineering,” DeGuzman said. “Personally, I’ve liked to build things ever since I was a kid and being able to build something big like that with all my friends was pretty cool.”

Senior, Junior Engineers Compete To Construct Best Project

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
November 9, 2023
After months of preparation, seniors and juniors are competing against each other to design the better project.
Preparing for club members to file in, board members Aerhann Casupang and Zoey Ching wait to present a slide regarding the upcoming Haunted House activity. They are going over costumes and roles for the event. “Right now, we are planning to do a haunted house for Trunk or Treat,” Club President Zoey Ching said. “We’ve been having extra meetings to sort out the details so we can finalize our plan.”

Drama Club Returns to School

Zelina Panissidi, Staff Writer
October 25, 2023
The club is scheduled to meet every second and fourth Thursday in C124.
Combating student email access lockouts, password retrievals are happening in the library during English or Freshman Studies/Health classes. A week has passed since the initial lockout occurred. “We’re doing that [library retrievals] for two reasons,” Assistant Principal Donna Besser said. “One is to make sure that we are using a different system to log everyone in. Also, to ensure that everybody is getting reset. Right now some students that have been reset are saying that they weren’t reset so that they don’t have to do work in class. This is ensuring that everyone is being reset and no one has any excuse to not be logged in.”

Technology services partially return for student access

Campus internet and student account retrieval are being restored after outage and cyberattack.
The PlayVS trophy sits in a trophy case just outside of Monte Carman’s classroom having been placed there after the team’s win last year. “It [our strategy] was very thought out and completely flushed,” sophomore Nicolas Markwith said. “Overall a very good experience.”

Competitive Gaming Club Returns for New Season

Hayden Hunt, Staff Writer
October 20, 2023
Practicing on their communication and overall bond as a team, the Southwest Squids and the rest of the club are preparing to continue their winning streak. 
In room H207, board members juniors Marc Chae and Tyrah Lamay lead the first SHFAA meeting. The club’s first meeting was on September 28th, but new members who are interested in joining are still welcome. “We’re looking for volunteer opportunities for our members right now,” Lamay said. “As vice president, I have to help plan our fundraisers and help advertise SHFAA. I really like what we’re planning to do with the club.”

Shelter, Homeless & Foster Animal Advocates Ready to Meet Goals

Adrienne Vera-Perez, Staff Writer
October 19, 2023
SHFAA will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
CCSD students were unable to access their school Google accounts outside their campus Wi-Fi jurisdiction. They were met with an error message blocking them from opening any Google applications. “I was trying to do my homework,” junior Henry Lewis said. “It sucks, but it’s whatever because I didn’t have my homework done anyway. So it’s convenient in this moment.”


A "cybersecurity incident" caused student account information to be compromised.