From Local Tournaments To Regional Showdowns, Ronzeles Brings Their A-Game.
What started as endless races on virtual tracks became a journey of unexpected opportunities and competitive thrills, from a childhood passion to something much bigger.
From endless laps around the track to the rush of a perfectly-timed drift, Rosales’s love for Mario Kart is a story of unexpected opportunities and saying “yes” to the adventure.
“Since I was a kid, Mario Kart has been more than just a game,” Rosales said. “My dad approached me after playing Mario Kart and recommended playing at competitions, so I said, ‘Yeah, okay.’ That started my passion for the competitions.”
To Ronzeles, Mario Kart isn’t just about the races—it’s about the moments it creates and the freedom it brings.
“Just being able to get out of the house, have fun, and do something you truly enjoy—that’s what made it so special,” Rosales said. “It was never just a game; it was an experience that brought excitement and connection.”
Some tracks are notorious for their difficulty and provide a challenge to even the most skilled players. In the heat of competition, it can feel like an impossible task to navigate its twists and turns.
“The most memorable moment for me was on one of my bad maps,” Rosales said. “[It’s] not my worst, but a map known as Rainbow Road, specifically the space station version, is bad for me. I got that map in competition once and while I was playing I kept telling myself I was screwed like I couldn’t do it, but I managed to place third. That was pretty memory-worthy to me.”
Participating in these events is just as much of an adventure as playing the game. Competing at the E-Sports Arena, where players from across Nevada gather to showcase their skills, offers an exciting blend of challenge and friendship.
“Participating in these competitive competitions is fun because it gets me out of the house and gives me something fun to do, you know?” Rosales said. “I never do online competitions but I do in-person ones. This gives me an Idea of my competitors.”
Some aspects of the game push players to rely on instinct and quick thinking, especially in high-pressure situations. The challenge often lies in navigating the unknown and adapting in real time, without sharp reflexes, the odds can feel stacked against a player.
“I feel like if you don’t know a map well, it’s more based on reaction time,” Rosales said. “And if you don’t have a fast reaction time, you will not be able to make it onto the leaderboard.”
While competition can bring excitement and friendship, it also reveals the darker side of gaming. The intensity, frustration, and pressure can sometimes overshadow the fun. For some, it transforms the game into something entirely different.
“I see no positive behaviors from competitive Mario Kart.” Rosales father Lewis Northern said. “It makes you start to hate the game because it becomes frustrating and exhausting when people take it extremely seriously.”
Finding a kart setup that works for you is a big part of Mario Kart. For Rosales, It’s more than just the stats printed on the board, it’s also about style, strategy, and a little bit of personality.
“My car combination is baby Rosalina on the flame rider with blue roller wheels and the parasol,” Ronzeles said. “Baby Rosalina is my favorite because Rosalina was my main character in Super Smash, and Baby Rosalina is a faster character in Mario Kart. [With] the cart, I like the aesthetic of a princess on a giant motorbike, and the wheels work well, they have the highest traction.”