Going over their last lecture this week, juniors in Sara Hartwich’s Nursing Assistant class are preparing for the end of course exam on Mar. 16.
“For the exam, I am working on content standard 12 which talks about basic procedures like admissions,” junior Kylie Cadiz said. “I am planning on reviewing and reading certain nursing chapters over again to prepare. I’m nervous to take the EOC test, but hopefully all my studying and hard work will pay off.”
Students are working together in groups to summarize a specific content standard that was reviewed over the year in the lectures.
“I’ve been preparing for the exam by making another study guide based on various precautions and safety measures that must be taken towards residents’ mobility and transportation,” junior Alyana Arciaga said. “We plan on making this study guide for a tutorial format or like an instruction pamphlet making it easier for students to remember.”
After everyone has reviewed each of the content standards as a class, students will put the different study guides together to make a complete version, in which they will have all the information necessary for the test.
“I feel like this is a great way for students to collaborate and help each other out because we get to work on the different content standards together,” junior Iman Jemal said. “I am really planning on preparing the week before and going through the slides and lectures so that I can pass and my hard work really pays off. I am excited to finally get into the skills unit so that we can get a feel of what it’s going to be like when we go back.”
Following the end of course exam, quarter four will predominantly focus on skills such as making a bed or donning/doffing PPE and personal protective equipment.
“Although this year has been quite rough with lectures and oral quizzes, I am preparing by really going through the nursing book and re-reading everything,” junior Emily Lee said. “Our hard work will hopefully pay off and I am looking forward to taking the test.”