Photo Credit: Michael Everisto
“Whether you reach a lot of people or have a profound impact on a few people, their memories of you are your afterlife.”
-Greg Graffin
Well Coyotes, this is the end of the line for me. It was kind of surreal hearing that this would be my last post on the Southwest Shadow, but I guess all good things must come to an end, right?
Although I will be leaving this website with somewhat of a bittersweet feeling, I will always remember what kind of impact I had on some of the viewers. When I first started writing, I had one goal in mind; it was to leave a legacy. The goal was to leave behind a column so amazing that it will be talked about even when I graduated.
However, I guess I really did not make one to that extent, or anywhere even close to it now that I am pondering on it. But in the end, I am proud that I was able to have somewhat of a successful run at it.
[vision_pullquote style=”1″ align=””] Well Coyotes, this is the end of the line for me. [/vision_pullquote]Even though my column was not as popular as I would have liked it to be, it is still kind of embarrassing writing for such a popular website. There are hundreds of people out there reading your articles, judging them, and deciding whether they like you or not. It is pretty much like putting yourself in front of a crowd and hoping that they will like you enough to give you the time of day.
I can still picture myself writing these columns as if people were dying to read them. I would sit in class wondering what the people wanted to hear, or, what they did not want to hear for some cases. Oh man, picturing myself so hopeful makes me turn a little red.
Then, for some odd reason, I lost the passion that I had when I first started. It could have been that I did not like such tedious work, or it could have been that I just ended up being bored with having a column. Either way, it is obvious that I did not give my full effort into these articles at the end of the year.
It is sad to think of it now and realize how annoying I must have been for the staff members. I kind of feel bad, but I am really lucky to have such patient and understanding teammates. I mean, I guess they are alright.
And now, it is over. All the hard work, the stress, the bickering back and forth between classmates; it is all going to end now. But, I am not sad. Instead, I am grateful to have been through such an experience. I am grateful to have such wonderful memories. And most of all, I am grateful for being able to impact the few readers that actually cared for what I had to say.