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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

All content by Monica Sarkisian
Relighting her candle, junior Kailie Sicolo prepares to take a picture during the NHS induction ceremony. Members enjoyed refreshments and utilized photo opportunities after the ceremony. “The induction ceremony made me feel proud of myself and it was nice to celebrate getting into the club with my friends,” Sicolo said. “I missed the first meeting because I was out of state for a field trip, so I’m excited to attend my first meeting as an inducted member.”

[Photo] Club Preview: A look into the week of April 2

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
April 2, 2024

Relighting her candle, junior Kailie Sicolo prepares to take a picture during the NHS induction ceremony. Members enjoyed refreshments and utilized photo opportunities after the ceremony. “The induction...

Struggling against the clock, sophomore Keysha Putri attempts to repair her pasta tower during a team building exercise at a Speech and Debate club meeting, as Vice President Angeline Roldan approaches to measure its height. The preliminary meeting prepared students for upcoming tournament events with fun team building exercises, including the Shadow-Angel tournament, where three novice debaters competed for their first times at NWCTA. “It was fun watching everyone work together with people they didn't know,” Roldan said. “Games like these really build the team spirit that we’re trying to create.”


Ethan Bull, Staff Writer
October 13, 2022

Struggling against the clock, sophomore Keysha Putri attempts to repair her pasta tower during a team building exercise at a Speech and Debate club meeting, as Vice President Angeline Roldan approaches...