“We are all broken,” said David Labelle during his presentation Bridges and Angels in San Antonio, Texas for the NSPA/JEA National Journalism Conference. During his discussion of photography and...
Narrowing down the never-ending list of potential colleges can become overwhelming. Most importantly, I have to consider the pros and cons of staying in-state or out-of-state for my higher educational career.
Is being honest really worth the potential consequences? Sometimes it is better to tell the truth and take care of yourself, than risk the aftermath of someone cheating using your hardowork.
Writer’s block is every journalist’s nightmare. There are certain steps I take to avoid the long, drone of not knowing where to start with my next story.
High school students are careless with their perception of their romantic relationships. Many believe they are meant for each other and make mistakes along the way.
Senior year has just begun and it is time to start narrowing down my college options. Applications are due at the start of the new year and there are many aspects to consider.
People often deem you spoiled for having nice items, such as a new car, a new purse, a new phone. But, what they don’t consider is what if you really deserve what you earned?
Running has always been my little escape. I grab my iPod, headphones, bright blue running shoes, and a bottle of water and head out the door. Living in a pretty decent community allows me to run without...