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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Brainstorming new mechanics for the game “Witches and Ditches,” sophomore Ayden Ionescu suggests adding a trial system. Before testing, players cast spells at random, hoping to uncover the witch. “Testing is beneficial for most games,” Ionescu said. “You can point out all the flaws for a video game. For example, bugs may be a problem for the gameplay and its balance.”

An Hour In … Digital Game Development

Venice Jingco, Staff Writer
December 2, 2022
Finishing their board games, students in Animation II begin playtesting.
Beginning the new unit in 3D animation, students are tasked with animating a flour sack— the same exercise as Animation I, but in 3D rather than 2D.  However, some students like sophomore Rayan Awad dislike the change in dimensions. “2D animation is so much easier to do, I think it looks better, I'm just more comfortable with it,” Awad said. “With 3D, you don't have to redraw everything and you just have a rig and it's really easy to deal with. But 2d animation, it feels like you put more effort into it feels more rewarding.”

An Hour In … Animation II

Venice Jingco, Staff Writer
November 18, 2022
Animation II students are introduced to 3D animation through an expressive flour sack exercise.
Throughout the duration of the unit, junior Ilani Miron is confident in her comprehension of what the story is about. The students started reading the play in the month of November. “The play is about the Salem Witch Trials how certain people were counted as witches in the town of Salem Massachusetts,” Miron said.

An Hour In … English

Yaritzza Montenegro, Staff Writer
November 10, 2022
Reading aloud in class, students in English 11 begin analyzing "The Crucible."
An Hour In ... Graphic Design I

An Hour In … Graphic Design I

Kailie Sicolo, Staff Writer
November 4, 2022
Using Adobe Photoshop, students in Jennifer Gonzalez's Graphic Design l class create infographics based on their favorite movies/TV shows.


Emmanuel Miranda, Staff
October 14, 2022
Using the techniques they learned, students in Chef Habodas’ Foods II learn how to make cream puffs and eclairs.
Finding an easier way to conduct the experiment, sophomore Christain Qualls uses the table top to his advantage. Students collected their beans, weighed them and learned important concepts. “We’re finding out the mass of the bans themselves, it’s simple,” Qualls said. “But it was pretty interesting and it provided perspective on electron configurations.”

An Hour In … Chemistry

Hannah Paine, Social Media Editor
October 7, 2022
Covering complex topics, students in Theresa Sager's Chemistry course approach the subject in a simpler way.


Hannah Paine, Social Media Editor
September 27, 2022
Working on their most intense project yet, Fashion II students encounter challenges and come up with future solutions.
The marshmallow challenge is an activity COM101 teacher Henry Evans organizes each school year, as skills utilized often apply to speeches given throughout the semester. “Public speaking is not easy, but it's made a little easier when you engage in friendly activities with the people you'll be presenting your speeches to,“ Evans said. Photo Credit: Ashley Harris

An Hour in … COM101

Ashley Harris, News and Features Editor
August 29, 2022
Juniors and seniors participated in the marshmallow challenge ice breaker during the first week of classes.
An Hour In ... Engineering II

An Hour In … Engineering II

Raeness Lantaya
May 9, 2022
Students build bridges to understand trusses.
An Hour In... Chemistry Honors

An Hour In… Chemistry Honors

Crystalyn Estabillo
March 14, 2022
Chemistry Honors students expand their knowledge on types of chemical reactions.