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Southwest Shadow

Leading a general meeting, FBLA President Aryana Boyd speaks to the members. Necessary information relating to state was given out at these general meetings and workshops were hosted to help members prepare for their competitions. “Our most recent meeting, we went over role play events,” Boyd said. “At state, they’ll give you a strip of paper and you have a certain amount of time to answer the question on it. The board gave the members practice questions and just had them answer it in the same style they would at the competition. We felt like this gave them really good practice so hopefully they’ll be more than prepared for this upcoming week.”

FBLA Members to Compete in Upcoming State Business Leadership Conference

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor
March 7, 2025
The field trip will take place March 9-12 in Reno, Nevada.
As part of the yearly tradition, Philipos Alebachew, Maximillan Aller, and Ava Nave came together to light their candles. This practice is done at every induction ceremony to officially welcome the students into the organization. “The candle ceremony signifies that when students are together, they bring a lot of light [to society],” NHS adviser Laura Penrod said. “Yet individually, they all bring their own unique light to the space.”

NHS Induction Ceremony Set To Occur March 7

Johnny Tao, Staff Writer
March 4, 2025
The NHS induction ceremony will welcome the newly selected members for the 2026 school year.
While prepping for SLC, HOSA held mandatory workshops throughout the month of February. SLC Coordinator Biridiana Magana Contreras said a few words to the competitors before releasing them to study for their events. "The challenges at SLC can vary," Contreras said. "If you're doing a knowledge test, the hardest part would be having consistent study habits. While with a skills test, it's a different situation because a lot of people got really nervous and that messed up their entire competition."

HOSA brings record-breaking number of participants to SLC

Jon Escala, Staff Writer
March 4, 2025

Hundreds of aspiring professionals will gather at the Nevada State Leadership Conference for a dynamic event filled with competition, leadership training, and career networking, aiming to sharpen their...

Practicing her educational philosophies, Teaching and Training II student sophomore Luna Rivera writes down her answers to the questions.  The upcoming field trip involves the basics of these philosophies to which it aims to help elementary students learn how to read. “I'm excited to get to go into classrooms and work with elementary students,” Rivera said. “It was something I was looking forward to ever since Ms. Penrod mentioned it.”

Teaching and Training Students Celebrate Nevada Reading Week

Celia Evangelista, Staff Writer
March 3, 2025
Teaching and Training 1 & 2 will be visiting Forbuss Elementary on Thursday, March 6. EDU 260 & Teaching and Training 1, will attend on Friday March 7.
Introducing the meeting with a game, senior Haris Gibirila hosts a pop culture icebreaker to Amnesty Club attendees before discussing future projects. This week, the club will focus their meeting on forms of freedom and expression.


Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
February 26, 2025
K-Pop Club prepares for next performance, L.I.F.T/Bible Club watches a Christ-centered film, and Amnesty Club talks about freedom and expression.
Freshman Class Historian Angel Samson works on a poster promoting the event. She’s helped design posters for Student Council ever since she started the class last semester. “It’s based on Valentine’s Day,” Samson said. “It has more activities, but it’s still like the previous freshmen Thursdays we’ve done.”

Student Council Creates Freshmen Hearts Festival

Rheyland Simon, Writer
February 19, 2025

The Student Council (StuCo) has decided to rebrand the traditional freshmen Thursday event into a “Freshmen Hearts Festival” for February to embrace Valentine’s Day. The event will be held on...

“Living Rhythms” performer Greg Ince leads his fellow drummer Dakarai Ince through the Kuku rhythm. This popular rhythm was played at a fast tempo. “I found the music to be loud and powerful,” junior Ryan Cruz said, “It was really interesting seeing how they displayed their ability to show their culture through dramatic movements and sounds.”

BSU organizes first-ever “Living Rhythms” performance during lunch

Jon Escala, Staff Writer
February 14, 2025
Students experience a taste of traditional African music in the cafeteria.
Students exchange compliments with their peers while giving out yarn from their ‘warm fuzzies.’ This event created moments of kindness that will be remembered after the activity ends. “Warm fuzzies are something people can wear around their neck on Valentine's day,” Senior Class Secretary Alexis Taing said. “You can give out words of affirmation, like saying, ‘Hey! You have a nice outfit today.”

Warm Fuzzies Return for Valentine’s Day

Isabella Sandoval, Staff Writer
February 14, 2025
A StuCo tradition of spreading love around the school and bringing students together as a community is brought back every February to boost students' confidence in themselves and others. 
Collecting money for the King or Queen of hearts fundraiser, President of the Book Club Adrienne Vera-Perez kindly asks for donations. She asked students to donate before class to help raise money for the American Heart Association. “I really appreciate getting the opportunity to help raise money for the American Heart Association,” Vera-Perez said. “I think they spread awareness about an important cause and I like that I get to do this for my club too.”

StuCo Begins The Yearly King or Queen of Hearts Fundraiser

Celia Evangelista, Staff Writer
February 13, 2025
The long awaited ‘King or Queen of Hearts’ fundraiser starts up again on February 11th.
Answering caucus questions, freshman Rhaine Dahill gets interviewed on stage in front of Key Club members. While new board members were elected, their term does not officially begin until the District Convention in April.

Club Preview: A Look Into The Week Of Feb. 10

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor
February 11, 2025
FCCLA prepares for their state competition, Key Club hosts Valentine’s Day themed activities, and BSU celebrates spirit week.
Breaking News: We The People Advance to Nationals

Breaking News: We The People Advance to Nationals

Kailie Sicolo and Achilles Caranto
February 7, 2025
Southwest Tech defeats six teams to go to Washington DC
Working with a friend, junior Joanna Mengistu pies one of her teachers at last year’s Pie-A-Palooza event. All proceeds raised last year went to fund prom. “My experience at last year’s Pie-A-Palooza was amazing,” Mengistu said. “It was such a fun experience and I could clearly see that it brought students, teachers, and staff together in great ways.”

Pie-A-Palooza Fundraiser Makes Annual Return

Achilles Caranto, Staff Writer
February 6, 2025
Junior Class of 2026 brings back Pie-A-Palooza event to raise money for prom.