Nursing students start OSHA certification course

Students have been gaining familiarity with normal practices, procedures in a workfield

Nursing students are completing an OSHA certification program to be introduced to policies and procedures in the medical field. “Personally, I think the certification program is a good way to continue our nursing year, especially now that we’ve finished our end of program tests and bookwork,” junior Ralph Quinto said. Photo Credit: Mufid Majnun

Gurleen Swaich

Continuing on for the end of the year, students who passed the Nursing EOC exam are being given the opportunity to get OSHA certified through the certification course provided by Nursing instructor Sara Hartwich

“The students are completing this program for several reasons: number one being because they will eventually need it if going into the healthcare workforce,” Hartwich said. “It will provide them with an additional certification for their resume and portfolio.”

With this certification, students will be able to obtain training on prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces, which they will need to be able to work in any medical-oriented area.  

“I have recently started doing the lessons to get my OSHA certification and I am really looking forward to it,” junior Iman Jemal said. “I feel like I have already learned so much about workplace safety, although some pieces of information I need to review a few times to remember, such as terminology.” 

While Hartwich spends time reviewing content over the year with students who did not pass, the students who did pass are able to occupy their time with the lessons and videos provided in the program. 

“I am happy to have been offered the chance to get the certification mostly because it helps me prepare for basic rules and standards that might come in my workplace,” junior Tyler Reyes said. “I really like how I can work at my own pace, so it gives me a sense of responsibility while doing it. I also know that this certification actually makes it easier to find a job which would put me a step ahead from other job seekers.” 

Through this certification program, many students are glad to have another qualifier to add into their resume. 

“I have not heard too much feedback, but students are grateful for the opportunity and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to provide this additional training/certification to them,” Hartwich said. “This has been a hard year and I did not want the students to stop learning.”