Photo Credit: Bomon Liu
After returning home from a regimented day at school, my mind will still be fixed to that systematic mentality. It’s been structured without flexibility, limiting opportunities to express myself. However, working out has opened up another outlet to let my thoughts and body flow freely.
Working out allows people to appreciate their inherent strengths and recognize their flaws. I’ve had to compensate for my own weaknesses by addressing their sources and manipulating my routine. I’ve tailored all my habits and routines to reach my own goals. Because everyone’s body operates differently and thrives under different conditions, some advice may not work for everybody. It’s up to each individual to personally experiment with new findings and see what works.
Working out allows me to develop my analytical skills. Since I’m trying to gain mass, I’ve cut out all forms of cardio to retain my weight. To make sure my endurance can support just a little bit of running, I pump weights faster.
Fitness is mentally uplifting because it engages my entire body. It gives a sense of accomplishment knowing that I’m gradually progressing towards my goal. It also makes me feel productive because I have to structure my day around this period where I get to release my stress and focus on me.
[vision_pullquote style=”1″ align=”center”] I’ve had to compensate for my own weaknesses by addressing their sources and manipulating my routine. [/vision_pullquote]I aspire to have a large, defined body. To reach this physique, I’ve had to eat nearly 6 times a day and work out constantly. It builds confidence watching my results develop, pushing me further and instilling positivity.
Fortunately, my goal doesn’t force me to prioritize some of the more difficult aspects of fitness. As someone who wants to gain mass, I can neglect cardio to some degree. Also, I don’t have to submit to a strict, uncompromising diet that limits me based on calories and relies solely on healthy foods. Personally, as long as I’m not sacrificing my health, I can have an open diet to gain as much mass as possible.
Joining the fitness industry has opened up a new community full of passionate people. They can offer tips on diet, supplements and routines, bringing up interesting topics for discussion.
As a new member of the fitness community, I’ve learned to develop myself physically and mentally, meeting passionate people who share the same interests. This encouraging, vibrant atmosphere welcomes people who want to have a better lifestyle.