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Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Scissors in hand, junior Ghiada Ferraer cuts out her design traced on the fabric. After creating a basic sketch, students were allowed to start building their project. “At first I wanted to do Scruff, but she said that we weren’t allowed to do Ugly Doll characters that have already been made, so I decided to do Scruff but turn it into me.” Ferraer said. “The biggest challenge I think everyone has faced is finding fabrics that match what you want to do, and then finding enough of that fabric, so a lot of people had to change their ideas.”

An Hour In…Design Crafts

Joy Ryan, Staff Writer
March 24, 2025
Find out how students in Design Crafts create their Ugly Doll projects.
Hitting his drums, junior Oliver Rondez matches the beat of the song “Creep” by Radiohead. Jam Club members hosted a rehearsal for the upcoming BSU basketball tournament. “We’ve been thinking about doing a little halftime show,” Rondez said. "Jam Club was thinking of working as a pep band because most schools have them to liven up the mood.”

An Hour In … Jam Club

Zelina Panissidi, Social Media Editor
March 10, 2025
Find out what Jam Club members are planning for the BSU basketball tournament.
Speaking about the  organization, “Pre-dental Society” at UNLV, college senior Lilian Dinh discusses the organizations mission and purpose. She had been apart of the organization for a few years now. “My goal is to help future dental students get the exposure they need,” Dinh said. “This will help them as they proceed further in their career.”

An Hour In: HOSA

Yara Ahmed, Shadow Files Reporter
March 3, 2025
Guest speakers from Pre-Dental Society in UNLV speak about the organization.
Looking at the position on the board, freshmen Christian Sumaway and Robert Romero thinks about their next move. Both students are regular attendees of chess club. “Being able to go to chess club right after school and playing for an hour or two is always a good use of my time,” Romero said. “Everyone at chess club is very high level so it makes me feel inspired to try and reach them.”

An Hour In … Chess Club

Johnny Tao, Staff Writer
February 26, 2025
Students in chess club competed against each other in friendly matches and learned new strategies to improve at the game.
To practice for the English ACT, juniors Veronica Zamudio and Solia Carroll are trying to agree on an answer. “I think I was overthinking a lot of it, so I couldn’t really get a lot of questions right,” Zamudio said. “I was too scared to answer because then I would have gotten them wrong.”

An Hour In … AP English Lang and Comp

Hunter Rhee, Multimedia Editor
February 19, 2025
AP Lang students work on ACT practice.
Spinning her cup with the string length longer than before, senior CJ Estrellas laughs while trying to keep a hold of the cups rotation. By increasing the string length, the tension is increased as well as the risk of the cup’s water falling out.  “We have all these components and it’s really important [to get them right] because it can risk people lives,” Estrellas said. “They can risk your own life. Its like preventing risk factors, and that’s why applying it [physics] to real life is a real eye opener because I really saw what was going to happen if I make a mistake or don’t understand principles and calculations behind it [our project].”

An Hour In… AP Physics Lab

Ava Torres, Features Editor
February 12, 2025
Students in AP Physics Lab apply mathematical and physics related principles to real life


Kevin Zhao, Staff Writer
February 6, 2025

Checking in, junior Ash Hsi looks over at their partner’s progress. Some groups took a more humorous approach to the project. “We put [our partner’s height] range between five feet and 15 feet,” Hsi said. “We wanted them to be really tall, but we couldn’t find a specific height we were all comfortable with, so they’re just a stepladder.”

An Hour in… Communications 102

Shayna Migalang, Opinion Editor
January 30, 2025
After learning about gender and how it affects relationships, students in Communications 102 designed their ideal significant other.
Placing his ball down, senior Luis De Casas takes a turn at the mini golf course designed like a cannon. The activity provided students a new hands-on experience outside of the classroom. “I’m not at great at golf,” De Casas said. “It’s difficult, especially aiming for a straight shot and just trying to get it to go through. I had fun today though, I got to golf with my friend and the weather’s nice out here.”

An Hour In … Design Crafts

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
December 12, 2024
Find out students opinions on their mini golf activity and each other's courses.
Preparing to scare people at the Trunk or Treat haunted house, senior Breeana Rodriguez dresses up as an acrobat. She was inside the haunted house throughout the whole event. “Hearing people scream is hilarious,” Rodriguez said. “I made sure to make my look as realistic as possible to scare people.”

An Hour In … Trunk or Treat

Amelia Castellanos, Staff Writer
November 5, 2024
People celebrate Halloween at the Trunk or Treat event.
Pencils sitting at the tips of yard sticks, Art 101 students draw each other’s faces. The students were learning how to be precise without holding the pencil directly in their hand. “She made up draw anyone in that group without looking at the paper,” senior Kai Cruz said. “It was overall funny to see how we could draw someone without looking at the paper.”

An Hour In … Art 101

Zelina Panissidi, Social Media Editor
October 25, 2024
Find out how students in Art 101 are able to draw without looking at the paper.
To prepare for the AP test, senior Andre Aquino is working out problems on the white board. He’s been practicing these problems for many weeks now, and thinks that he’s going to do well with the help of the teacher. “I think it’s definitely a very energetic way of teaching,” Aquino said. “I feel like it does get me ready for Calculus. I feel very awake when I’m in this class.”

An Hour In … AP Calculus AB

Hunter Rhee, Multimedia Editor
October 18, 2024