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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

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Volunteers help a middle schooler with an LED programming activity. Girls In Tech offers four different specialized areas such as this where students combine creativity and technical knowledge to make a finished project. “I love the light bulb moments,” Girls In Tech Coordinator Dana Cuni said. “Like the first time the kids make a siren turn on in their circuit playground and their eyes brighten up and they get excited and they cheer. It’s why I do this.”

Coordinators Have High Hopes For Girls In Tech 2025

Ava Torres, Features Editor
January 21, 2025
7th grade girls experience tech programs to promote female participation in STEAM.
As the 2K Vegas field trip quickly approaches, senior Tavin Secrist focuses on researching the many opportunities that come with visiting a professional game development workplace. “What I'm planning to see in 2k Vegas is probably what games they make, as well as this new game that they're going to show us as well,” Secrist said. “I also expect to see the game development process and how it works, and I also expect to see workplace etiquette as a game developer.”

Digital Game Advanced Studies To Venture on 2K Vegas Trip

Venice Jingco, A&E Editor
January 21, 2025
To delve into the real-world process of game development, Advanced Study Digital Game students will visit 2K Vegas.
Preparing for his competitive event, junior Armando Aguilar presents his project alongside his team members. The Technology Student Association has gone through careful preparations to ensure that they will be successful in the upcoming Nevada TSA State Conference, which will be held in January.

CLUB PREVIEW: A Look Into the Week of Jan. 13

Adrienne Vera-Perez, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
January 14, 2025
TSA plans increased campus involvement, NHS hosts panel, and Book Club picks their next read.
Presenting their slideshow to attendees, Student Council Vice Presidents Akela Custodio and Brianna Scherschel begin Coyote Congress. They wanted this meeting to be shorter than usual, acknowledging that students just came back from Winter Break. “We weren’t sure if we were having one [in the first place] as it was right after break, so we didn’t know how many clubs would be interested in attending,” Scherschel said. “I wish more people knew about it and participated, but it is always a fun, calm meeting that I’m very grateful we do.”

Jan. 7 Coyote Congress Report

Shayna Migalang, Opinion Editor
January 10, 2025
Student Council members and club representatives came together on Jan. 7 for the first Coyote Congress of the semester.
TikTok’s lack of legal victories has led to its potential upcoming ban in the United States. The app's fate is in the hands of the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Enacts Social Media Ban

Mason Rafferty, Staff Writer
January 8, 2025
The United States attempt to protect the data and privacy of Americans.
Carefully arranging their gingerbread design, sophomore Ariana Bognot and her team are making sure that their design is to their standards. ”Because they’re gingerbread houses, everyone in the group needs to collaborate and agree on the design and assign tasks so everyone isn’t working on just one thing,” Bognot said. “For the baking part, it’s great for creativity because it’s mostly for looks since no one’s eating the gingerbread house.”

Culinary Students Rush To Create The Best Gingerbread House

Rheyland Simon, Staff Writer
December 19, 2024
Culinary II students participated in a decorating contest to see who could make the best gingerbread house.
 Working together, senior Bannon McCleve helps junior Emmy Hedges with writing a letter to senior citizens in nursing homes. These letters provided an opportunity to brighten the lives of those who may feel isolated or lonely. “With the goal of spreading love and positivity to those who may not often have the chance to visit family,” McCleve said. “Our aim was to bring some kindness and joy to their lives, letting them know they are remembered and appreciated.”
Photo Credit: Achol Akot

Club Preview: A look into the week of Dec. 9

Jaden Espinueva, Staff Writer
December 10, 2024
Volleyball Club discusses future plans, HOSA hosts a guest speaker, and Dungeons and Dragons Club runs a Christmas themed campaign.
SkillsUSA board members gather before the end of the conference. Members received statesmen pins as a souvenir. "I had a lot of fun at FLC. It was super enjoyable and all the workshops I feel actually helped me understand myself, " reporter Joyce Harveston said. "That conference really ignited my potential of who I could become as the youngest member on board, or the person that will be in charge of this board the longest."

Annual SkillsUSA Fall Leadership Conference Changes Location

Angel White, Staff Writer
November 26, 2024
SkillsUSA shares insight on conference
In a school board meeting on October 30, trustees discuss the budget. Photo Credit: CCSD - Eduvision

School Budgeting Crisis Affects the District

Kailie Sicolo, News Editor
November 22, 2024
CCSD has reported an estimated $20 million budget deficit due to unanticipated expenses from last school year.
Working on a poster, Freshman Class Secretary Bailey Tift creates a design for Friendsgiving. She outlined the letters on the poster in pencil before painting them. “I was doing the poster because it was my assigned job,” Tift said. “I really like making posters because I get to paint them and have a lot of creative freedom.”

‘Friendsgiving’ Continues For Another Year

Celia Evangelista, Staff Writer
November 20, 2024
Student Council Is Holding ‘Friendsgiving’ on Thursday, November 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the ballroom for invitees only.
Standing up in front of the class, President Gurnoor Gill and Secretary Haris Gibirilia prepare to present a slideshow to introduce the club. Around twenty students were present at the meeting. “I joined this club because I've always liked human rights,” sophomore Atronos Solomon said. “I am really interested in the overall concept of spreading awareness about all of the disparities in the world today such as the way minorities get treated.”

Amnesty International Club Hosts First Official Meeting

Johnny Tao, Staff Writer
November 19, 2024
New club is looking to recruit more students who are interested in learning about human rights and advocacy.
Creating a fake wound, senior Roxana Huve uses various supplies to make the injury as realistic as possible. Members participated in hands-on activities to gain in-depth understanding of the focus of the meeting. “I was applying a glue stick onto Emily’s arm and adding toilet paper onto it to create a realistic wound,” Huve said. “It was a fun activity and we got to learn about wounds and how they’re inflicted.”
Photo Credit: Allee Lin

Club Preview: A look into the week of Nov. 18

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
November 19, 2024
Criminology & Forensics Club covers criminal stereotyping, Dungeons & Dragons Club continues gameplay and Book Club discusses their book of the month.