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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Trying to celebrate the winning classes who earned an ice cream party, Student Council members create a red carpet for students to walk on during November of 2019. Students created digital posters and videos to showcase why they should be elected for their chosen position. “I’ve been in Student Council since freshman year so I know how Stuco runs,” Student Body Vice President candidate  Claire Cuddihy said. “I know how to be a good role model and being able to win this election would help me create better social skills and more essential leadership qualities.” Photo Credit: Student Council

Annual student council campaign week concludes

Naila Yazdani
March 26, 2021
Student Council members participate in yearly board elections.


Julia Jauregui
March 26, 2021

In observation of Spring Break, classes will not be held from March 27-April 5. During this time, some new content will be published, but not at our regular rate. We hope everyone has a wonderful...

Being guided inside the school bright and early, a new set of ninth and twelfth graders enter campus for hybrid learning. They will be receiving in-person instruction for the first half of the day. “I am happy to see students return for Cohort B,” Assistant Principal Kendra Kelley said. “I was happy to see Cohort A students on Monday and Tuesday as well. The SWCTA campus was very lonely without students. I'm glad to see those who chose to return in-person and that they are well and ready to learn.” Photo Credit: Matthew LaPorte

Cohort B returns to in-person learning

Cohort B starts in-person instruction and teachers see new group of students.
Freshman Natalya Cintron works on an assignment in her Health class. Several students have returned to the classroom following the reopening of schools. "I do have worries regarding COVID-19, but the school is taking safety measures and not many people are actually in the classes, so I feel pretty comfortable being here," Cintron said. Photo Credit: Matthew LaPorte

Cohort A starts first day of in-person learning

Ahmed Ahmed and Monserrat Mendieta
March 22, 2021

After more than a year of remote learning, some students are returning to the classroom. Organized into different groups, today Cohort A, which is made up of 163 students, attended their 5th and 7th-period...

The Scholastic Crown Awards are known as some of the most prestigious honors for student journalism groups. Photo Credit: Columbia Scholastic Press Association

BREAKING: Southwest Shadow wins 2021 Scholastic Gold Crown Award

Monserrat Mendieta
March 19, 2021
Despite the difficulties of the ongoing pandemic, the Southwest Shadow persevered and won the renowned Gold Crown award.
Using fake patient files to diagnose different cardiovascular disorders, students in Anatomy & Physiology have been studying blood cells and how they affect the human body. Through this unit, students have applied what they know in a real-life scenario to better prepare for future careers pertaining to the medical field. “Since I am in the Respiratory Program, doing these worksheets have been kind of cool because we get to actually look at a blood sample and use our knowledge to detect underlying conditions or other health associated issues,” junior Isabell Min said.  Photo Credit: Mary Breslin

Students diagnose underlying cardiovascular issues on fake patient files

Gurleen Swaich
March 19, 2021
Students in Mary Breslin’s Anatomy class diagnose patients in the cardiovascular unit worksheets.
Preparing to record an audio file, sophomore Amir Rostamzadeh is contemplating the emotion he wants to add.The recordings were due on Monday, Mar. 1st. “It’s an interesting and engaging way to read,” sophomore Amir Rostamzadeh said. “It keeps my attention, unlike traditionally reading with the class.” Photo Credit: Amir Rostamzadeh

English 10 students begin reading ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’

Truong Phan
March 18, 2021
Students are putting together an audiobook to better comprehend “The Diary of Anne Frank.”
COM 102 students explain the intricacies of relationships using TikTok

COM 102 students explain the intricacies of relationships using TikTok

Julia Jauregui
March 17, 2021
Students have one week to create a TikTok about relationships.
Students in Jessica Kelly’s AP Human Geography class engaged in a discussion based on the knowledge they acquired in their agriculture unit on Mar. 2nd. In a socratic seminar like format, students talked about crops, types of farming, animal domestication and more. “We’ve been doing agriculture for a month now so we’ll be discussing any aspect of it, it’s fully student driven. I don’t say anything, they just talk. It's to show your knowledge and to see what your deficiencies are so you can ask your classmates questions,” Kelly said.
Art Credit: Monserrat Mendieta

AP Human Geography students discuss the ins and outs of agriculture

Monserrat Mendieta
March 16, 2021
Students in AP Human Geography delved into the intricacies of crops, farming practices, and more in their new unit on agriculture.
After nearly spending the whole year online, students are finally transitioning to a learning model that will allow certain students to be back on campus. Students were sent an email the previous week specifying which cohort they were placed in and a follow up link if students would like to change. “The other schedule put me in a consistent routine by now, so I’m kind of upset that we changed it so abruptly and just for the last quarter, ” junior Isabell Min said. “However, I’m excited for the fourth quarter and hopefully things will be normal by the beginning of my senior year.” Art Credit: Monserrat Mendieta

New schedule put into place for first day of new in-person learning plan

To accommodate in-person learning there is a new school start time, revised schedule, and more.


Ahmed Ahmed
March 15, 2021
The question now is if the Shadow can win another Pacemaker.
Students and teachers prepare to go back to school following spring break. Although many technical details seem to be out of place, CCSD is trying their best to help students and parents understand the new schedule. “I am excited to be able to return to in person learning,” sophomore Hai Tong said. “I didn’t hate online school but returning to see my friends and to a social environment will be great.”  Photo credit: Southwest Career and Technical Academy

Students have mixed opinions about returning to in-person learning

Farhad Yazdani
March 15, 2021
Students and teachers have varying opinions on returning back to school.