Hi! I'm Juliana and I'm the multimedia editor for the Southwest Shadow. This is my fourth and final year in journalism. I'm glad to be here and excited to see my last year in person.
As the new school year approached, many teachers had a sense of uncertainty lingering around due to the grading reform policy.
Not knowing whether it was going to remain the same or change,...
Running from May 31-June 17, the camp will be allowing students to gain skills and makeup credits in courses that aren’t based on assessments or grades.
Creating two or more assets for the organization, “Make The Call,” students are designing items ranging from flyers to T-shirts in order to support the cause.
Although she hasn't been able to go audition for things as often due to the COVID-19 pandemic, junior Franchesca Ramirez still pursues her dream of being famous one day.
Transitioning from middle school to high school is already difficult, but having the added dynamic of trying to keep relationships with your previous friends can be one of the hardest aspects.
When sophomore Nathan Robles heard that one of his favorite YouTube channels, Jubilee, was having a casting call for their latest video, he jumped at the chance.
Figuring out how to make clubs work in a virtual environment, advisers and board members find new ways to have members participate in their club through an online medium.
Hear these questions and answers in this week's podcast. What justifies the fear of COVID-19? Is doomsday prepping worth it? After all, it should only affect people with weak immune systems, right?
As a means to raise awareness for career-oriented programs, the annual Career and Technical Education month started this week.
“CTE programs encourage students who aren’t academically as inclined...
With the death of Kobe Bryant, potentially disrespectful videos have already surfaced about the tragic accident. How far is too far when reporting on celebrity deaths?
Sophomores in Fashion II will compete in the CCSD competition Fashion Forward. They are currently creating button-up shirts for the first round of the competition.