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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

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Southwest Shadow

Juniors in the Nursing Assistant program are focusing on reviewing different content standards to study for the end of course exam. Over the next two weeks, students will come together to finish one large study guide covering the content of the different lectures from the year. “My partner Jacylan and I got to demonstrate personal care procedures and we are working on putting together different google slides so it's easier for our classmates to view the information,” junior Kylie Chavz said.Photo Credit: Jeswin Thomas

Nursing Assistant students prepare for end of course exams

Gurleen Swaich
March 2, 2021
Juniors in the Nursing Assistant program prepare to take the end of course exam on Mar. 16 by practicing skills, such as daily residential care.
Students had to create and mock-up two creations for the “Make the Call” project. Mock-up designs are a crucial part of the design process so a client can see the design in a real context. “Mocking up adds to the design because we can see our designs in a real place,” junior Regan Thomas said. “It adds a reality to our designs and helps us see what we can create.”   Art Credit: Juliana Borruso

Graphic Design II students create products for a real client

Juliana Borruso
March 2, 2021
Creating two or more assets for the organization, “Make The Call,” students are designing items ranging from flyers to T-shirts in order to support the cause.
During today's press conference, Superintendent Jesus Jara announced the expansion of the hybrid school model for additional grades. He also announced for plans to open schools fully for the 2022 school year. "As we continue to open safely, slowly, and carefully, we can't go backwards, we go forwards. It all depends on the mitigation strategies, we have great ones in place," Jara said. Photo Credit: Taylor Wilcox


Rhamil Taguba
February 24, 2021
CCSD superintendent announces hybrid operations for schools across the valley.
Completing the at-home lab on protein units, sophomore Hannah Segura starts one of her dishes. Students were required to get Chef Michael Hadobas’s approval for dishes they plan on making for their at-home labs to ensure diversity. “I think the last time we did at-home labs was last quarter and I found that fun since it was only me doing it,” Segura said. “The only person I had to worry about messing up was me so that was better than doing it in groups like we did last year.” 
Photo Credit: Hannah Segura

Culinary II students experiment with primal cuts for proteins unit

Aila Pasic
February 23, 2021
Sophomores will be cooking their own dishes at home.
HOSA students pose for their annual group photo for the yearbook on February 19, 2020. Members are currently selecting their areas to compete in. “I enjoyed it in person a lot during my freshman year and can’t wait to compete again this April.”

HOSA members start choosing areas for competition

Farhad Yazdani
February 23, 2021
HOSA students prepare for SLC in April.
Preparing for the presentation, students in Spanish II are using different sentence structures to explain their daily routine. The projects will be presented on Friday, Feb. 19. “The sentence structures you see in English don’t necessarily exist in Spanish,” Thomann said. “By learning the correct sentence structures through this project, [my students] will be able to communicate more effectively and with greater confidence.” Photo Credit: Vianne Zhu

Spanish II students begin new unit on daily routines vocabulary

Truong Phan
February 19, 2021
Students in Ana Thoman’s Spanish II class will be presenting their daily routine to the class on Friday.
Students in Fashion II are learning from drag designer, Lyn Kream, about the importance and history of drag fashion. Kream has designed outfits for some of the most famous drag queens today, including Trixie Mattel. “My favorite memory has to be just being a part of helping people make their dreams come true, live their lives fully in the open, and share their art with others,” Kream said. “Whether it’s helping a queen get to Drag Race, costuming for a Pride event or helping a baby queen develop their character, drag has been such a wonderful part of my career. It’s truly life changing and affirming.” 
Photo Credit: Lyn 

Fashion II students learn about the impact of drag

Tishie Nyitray
February 18, 2021
Guest speaker has designed for a number of professional drag entertainers.
State last year was held at Reno for FCCLA students, however due to the pandemic, it is now being held virtually in March. Although this conference will be different, members are still excited for the opportunity to attend. “I’m glad that state is continuing,” junior Brooke Young said. “I think it really gives the new kids a taste of what it would be like in regular school.”  Photo Credit: Brooke Young

FCCLA prepares for virtual state conference

Juliana Borruso
February 16, 2021
FCCLA students are finalizing their work before state at the beginning of March.
In order to learn more about what it takes to make a video game, students are watching video lessons from Rockstar Studios and the work they put in creating RDR2. After the video lesson, students will be taking an assessment to end the unit. “A great video game has to be graphically driven,” sophomore Hai Tong said. “If the game doesn’t have amazing graphics nowadays, it can’t be considered a top game no matter how good the story/controls are."Gamer" by ulricaloeb is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .

Game design sophomores start an intricate unit on what makes a great video game

Farhad Yazdani
February 16, 2021
Students are breaking down the parts of a successful game to understand story design.
The Nevada Help Desk is helping students earn certifications for technology-based jobs. Students can apply for an after-school or summer training program. “Over the next four  years, there will be millions of unfilled tech jobs,” Snehal Bhakta said. “This program started to help fill some of the workforce gaps in Southern Nevada related to technology.”  Photo Credit: Nevada Help Desk

Nevada Help Desk program is preparing students for the future

Juliana Borruso
February 12, 2021
Freelance opportunities, technology certifications and jobs are all available in this new program.
Learning the unique process of making an 8-bit animation, sophomore Hai Tong works diligently to perfect his space fighter animation. Navigating 8-bit animations has been difficult for many students due to the rigorous steps, but with practice and help from Animation II teacher Jeffrey Ball, students are completing their characters in a timely manner. “I am really enjoying creating new elements for this animation. Everything is coming together as I expected,” Tong said.  Photo Credit: Hai Tong

Animation II students create 8-bit characters

Farhad Yazdani
February 11, 2021
Students are learning the ins and outs of original animation. 
Finishing up some last detail on his project, sophomore Yestin Zaki Cruzada continues to work on his group slides. Since work time during class for the project was slim, students were required to do the majority of the work at home. “I love this topic since we’re making a plan for guests and we picked one of my dream cities,” Cruzada said. “I could also research and find out more about Tokyo as I wait for the day that we can finally book a ticket to fly over there.” Photo Credit: Yestin Zaki Cruzada

Hospitality students create a guide of several tourist destinations around the world

Aila Pasic
February 5, 2021
Kicking off the semester, sophomores in Hospitality created projects on tourist areas.