
COVID-19 Update for Week of 3/15 By: Zoie Puaala - Edra

With the recent quarantine and social distancing due to the Coronavirus, some are wondering what's going on in the world now. More than half of the nation is in quarantine, or following social distancing, and other countries are restricting travel outside of homes.

#1 The Current Count

All over the world, countries are shutting their borders down due to the pandemic. In the world, the total of cases are 276,125 along with 11,404 as the number of deaths. The nation has a total of 201 deaths and 15,219 cases of the virus according to the CDC. While in Nevada there are 109 cases with 1 death.

#2 In the United States

States everywhere have begun to close schools in an effort to keep students healthy at home. Many schools have started online classes to keep the students working during this time period of uncertainty.

#3 In Nevada

Governor Sisolak closed non-essential businesses with the signing of an emergency directive. These businesses were ordered to remain close until around April 16.

#4 Something other than COVID-19

People all over the world have been coming together in this time of fear to show that in times of trouble we unite as one. Below is a video of a city in Italy coming together in this time of worry, showing that though life is being harsh right now, there's still something to smile about.

#5 If you're bored

A good way to spend time at home is to watch Netflix and binge watch new shows. There is a new Chrome extension for Netflix called Netflix Party. It allows one to watch Netflix with their friends and text while watching the movie or show together.


Created with images by Martin Sanchez - "untitled image" • Tim Mossholder - "Sorry" • Kevin Bosc - "Las Vegas By Night" • Aditya Vyas - "untitled image" • Martin Castro - "untitled image"