It’s difficult to see the bright side when people are surrounded by the same issues - unemployment, eviction notices, stressful online learning, and limited social engagement.
It’s unlikely that Mimi Groves knew that she would be the center of a massive news story when she posted a seemingly innocuous notice on her Instagram page, urging her followers to take part in protests...
2020 was a year when many abrupt things popped up, like the virus, the defeat of President Donald Trump, the deaths of celebrities and school being put at a distance. In these cases you could say we’ve been put though the wringer with how the year turned out.
The fight is not over, justice has still not been served, so don’t stop doing your part to support the BLM Movement. If you treat this as just another trend that will come and go, then change will never happen and history will keep repeating itself.
Kyle Rittenhouse gets released from jail with friends and families, with people paying his bail of 2 million dollars after allegedly shooting multiple racial justice protesters.