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The School Newspaper of Southwest Career and Technical Academy.

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Southwest Shadow

Quarter one was tough not just for teachers, but also students. Although things seemed quite frustrating, many of the technical dilemmas and Canvas issues have been navigated and students are beginning to somewhat admire the versatility of virtual education.  Graphic Credit: Gurleen Swaich

A look into quarter two

Gurleen Swaich
November 24, 2020
Students are adapting the online environment and are continuing to work through the difficulties and lack of motivation.
In order to ensure students know about circular motion, AP Physics I teacher Patrick Waddington had students choose groups and calculate circular motion on any planet. Circular motion is part of the third unit in AP Physics I. “I hope that students will use the project as a chance to study for their upcoming Circular Motion Test, talk through their misconceptions with group members, and be able to have an interesting bit of trivia info about something that not many are familiar with,” Waddington said.  Photo Credit: Juliana Borruso

Students calculate circular motions on different planets

Juliana Borruso
November 23, 2020
Studying circular motion, students in AP Physics I create presentations and calculate forces on a different planet.
Focusing on group work for the regional cuisine project, sophomore Crystal Knudson begins doing research on what dishes should be included in her group’s menu. Students are assigned group members for the regional cuisine so they can begin researching on a variety of different cuisines and start creating a menu. “I’m expecting to learn a lot about culture since America is full of immigrants,” Knudson said. “Even though American food may seem boring, there are lots of backstories depending on who colonized the area.” Photo Credit: Crystal Knudson

Exploring a World of Flavors in Culinary II

Aila Pasic
November 20, 2020
Beginning research of America’s most popular regional cuisines, Culinary II students are brainstorming their own delicious dishes to include with the research of their project.
After researching the traditions of Latin America, student Jusper Julius B. Aligaen submits a digital ofrenda. Through this project, students are developing a better understanding of the traditional holidays celebrated by Spanish-speaking countries. “The Day of the Dead is very important to me,” Aligaen said. “It is the time for me to remember those who made me who I am now, especially my uncle who passed away. I want to keep his memory alive.” Photo Credit: Ana Cristina Thomann

Students create ‘Dia De Los Muertos’ ofrendas to honor the dead

Truong Phan
November 18, 2020
Spanish IIH students make traditional ofrendas focusing on honoring and remembering their loved ones.
According to the Journal of Effective Teaching “Working collaboratively with others is extremely important in building problem solving and teamwork skills and is proven to help students retain information better.” However, because of virtual schooling, group work poses more of a challenge for teachers to incorporate into online lessons."Teamwork" by davis.steve32 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .

Teachers Explore New Options To Increase Student Interaction

Lily Gurdison
November 16, 2020
With schools being virtual, it is not only stressful for students to ask for help on assignments from their teachers, but also to connect with other students and collaborate.
The CCSD Board of Trustees began discussing the new hybrid operational plan. Guided by state recommendations, the plan was initially called to be implemented, but was delayed afterwards. "Make no mistake, we are suffering here in Clark County, and as we enter here in the winter months, our challenges will increase exponentially. But the future of our children is on the line," CCSD Superintendent Jesus Jara said. (Photo Credit: Rhamil Taguba)

School Board postpones vote on hybrid model

Ahmed Ahmed and Rhamil Taguba
November 15, 2020
The school board’s decision to postpone the vote may leave some confused.
Experiencing her first RTC in 2019, freshman Rochelle Barrameda sits alongside her fellow club members after performing their chants for the Spirit Stick. “My favorite thing about RTC last year was probably competing with our division to win the spirit stick,” Barrameda said. “Although we didn’t win the spirit stick we cheered our hearts out, I know I did!”. Photo Credit: Rochelle Barrameda

Key Club members collect hours at virtual RTC

Kamryn Baldenebro
November 13, 2020
Instead of physically going to RTC this year, due to the ongoing pandemic, Key Club held a virtual workshop where members were able to come together as a team as well as gain community service hours.
Holding their second monthly Coyote Congress meeting, Student Council has reimagined it in a virtual format again. Coyote Congress is an opportunity for students to voice their opinion and see what is happening at the school, and at this meeting, they discussed new class t-shirt designs among other topics. "If you would like to email any shirt designs to student officers or the student council advisers we would like to see your t-shirt designs,” Sumabat said. "We would really like to see what designs you have created or some of your ideas."  Graphic Credit: SWCTA Student Council

Program representatives discuss class updates at second coyote congress

Hannah Paine
November 12, 2020
Student Council held its second virtual Coyote Congress during the 2020-2021 school year to talk about October’s spirit contests and answered questions from the student body.
Intently measuring with her eyes, sophomore Jayden Licanto makes precise cuts in her onion, as part of her knife skills lab. Home labs allow students to experience hands-on learning in a virtual classroom during the pandemic when physical teaching is impossible. "With everything that's been going on, school has been really challenging, but I think doing at home labs is actually a good opportunity for culinary students," Licanto said. "For me, freshman year was kind of stressful because I didn't really know where anything was in the kitchens. Now, I'm in my own kitchen, and I have the luxury to redo a lab or take more time on it if I'm confused." Photo Credit: Jayden Licanto

Culinary II students start at-home kitchen labs

Hanae Furugaki
November 12, 2020
Culinary II students participate in at-home labs to further their cooking knowledge and skills.
With his victory in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the US. The Southwest Shadow has called the races in North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump, and Georgia and Nevada for President-elect Biden.Photo Credit: Gage Skidman

BREAKING: Joe Biden elected 46th president, on track for second largest popular vote margin in 24 years

Ahmed Ahmed
November 7, 2020
After a chaotic presidential race, Biden comes out victorious.
Creating individual sections that contain information regarding the three separate diseases, burns as well as the functions of the various elements in the integumentary system, junior Isabell Min made a simple, yet effective brochure. students have been given 15-20 minutes at the end of every class to finish. “Although this project took me quite some time, it helped me learn about many intriguing skin diseases I didn't even know existed,” junior Isabell Min said. 
 Photo Credit: Isabell Min

Creating professional, informative integumentary system brochures in Anatomy & Physiology

Gurleen Swaich
November 5, 2020
Students are completing a creative integumentary system brochure project to better understand the functions, disorders, and treatments.
Sophomores in Computer Science II begin learning the basics of Java, one of the most widely used programming languages in the industry.  Students used Java in AP Computer Science but have been increasing their knowledge of it this year. “I am questioning pursuing programming as a career, but it sure is going to be good for the other things I am trying to do,” sophomore Liban Tuni said.
Photo Credit: Liban Tuni

Computer science II students learn the basics of Java

Tishie Nyitray
November 3, 2020
Students in Computer Science II Honors are beginning to learn the basics of Java, a computing language that will be prevalent all throughout their career.