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Kylie Dacquel

Kylie Dacquel, Standards & Practices Editor

Hello! I’m Kylie and I am super excited to be the Standards and Practices Editor for this year! I am a chronic spender and love collecting Kpop albums :)
All content by Kylie Dacquel
“Flip it, Kick it!” encapsulates the feeling that teens are experiencing as they grow up, an interesting flip on the usual debuts seen from other K-pop groups.  Rating: A 
Photo Credit: © 2025 JYP Entertainment

Flipping the K-pop Scene with ‘Flip it, Kick it!’

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
February 24, 2025
JYP Entertainment’s new boy group debuts ready to flip the usual standards of K-pop.
Preparing to attend their first field trip, AP Art History students express their excitement about the activity. The class will visit a replica of King Tut’s tomb and view various other art pieces. “I’ve never been to the exhibit so it’s going to be a new experience for me,” senior Taylor Palmira said. “It’ll be cool just to go out and actually see artifacts instead of just learning about them through lectures.”

AP Art History Embarks on Field Trip to King Tut’s Tomb

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
January 24, 2025
The hands-on exhibit is a new experience for students.
Volunteers help a middle schooler with an LED programming activity. Girls In Tech offers four different specialized areas such as this where students combine creativity and technical knowledge to make a finished project. “I love the light bulb moments,” Girls In Tech Coordinator Dana Cuni said. “Like the first time the kids make a siren turn on in their circuit playground and their eyes brighten up and they get excited and they cheer. It’s why I do this.”

[Photo] Coordinators Have High Hopes For Girls In Tech 2025

Ava Torres, Features Editor
January 21, 2025

Volunteers help a middle schooler with an LED programming activity. Girls In Tech offers four different specialized areas such as this where students combine creativity and technical knowledge to make...

"Personally I'm going to get really bored, but I don't see myself switching to a different app," junior Laila Rogers said. "I've been thinking I've needed a break from TikTok for a while now, so this is really just an excuse for me to take that break. It'll probably be really good for me."

Q&A: Are you ready for the end of TikTok?

Kailie Sicolo and Kylie Dacquel
January 16, 2025
Find out what Southwest thinks about the end of TikTok.
Placing his ball down, senior Luis De Casas takes a turn at the mini golf course designed like a cannon. The activity provided students a new hands-on experience outside of the classroom. “I’m not at great at golf,” De Casas said. “It’s difficult, especially aiming for a straight shot and just trying to get it to go through. I had fun today though, I got to golf with my friend and the weather’s nice out here.”

An Hour In … Design Crafts

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
December 12, 2024
Find out students opinions on their mini golf activity and each other's courses.
"I'm watching it with my sister," sophomore Marleena Tabayan said. "I've never seen the Broadway version, but I grew up with the soundtrack. I have memories of her singing it out randomly so I love that we're watching it together."

Q&A: Are you watching ‘Wicked’?

Learn about what students are anticipating for the upcoming movie adaptation of 'Wicked'.
Creating a fake wound, senior Roxana Huve uses various supplies to make the injury as realistic as possible. Members participated in hands-on activities to gain in-depth understanding of the focus of the meeting. “I was applying a glue stick onto Emily’s arm and adding toilet paper onto it to create a realistic wound,” Huve said. “It was a fun activity and we got to learn about wounds and how they’re inflicted.”
Photo Credit: Allee Lin

Club Preview: A look into the week of Nov. 18

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
November 19, 2024
Criminology & Forensics Club covers criminal stereotyping, Dungeons & Dragons Club continues gameplay and Book Club discusses their book of the month.
Painting their pumpkins during FCCLA’s annual pumpkin painting meeting, juniors Aki Javier and Rizzael Maniego work alongside each other. The members were able to choose their own designs when decorating their pumpkins. “I wanted to win the best pumpkin [award],” Maniego said. “I tried painting Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and I feel that it turned out pretty good despite the short amount of time we were given.”

Club Preview: A look into the week of Nov. 12

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
November 12, 2024
FCCLA works on their STAR projects, NHS hosts a joint meeting with Key Club, and Crochet Club continues working on their baby mittens.
"All my students are telling me that it's worth listening to and I'm a stan of Tyler so I am ready," English teacher Maritza De La Fuente said. "I have pretty high expectations especially because it's been a while since his last album."

Q&A: Have you listened to Tyler, the Creator’s new album?

Find out who has listened to "CHROMAKOPIA."
82MAJOR is a great contender for best rappers within fifth generation K-pop with their whole group’s rap abilities, but X-82’s tracks forgo elements that ultimately leave the album feeling bland. Rating: C 
Photo Credit: © 2024 Great M Entertainment

‘X-82’ Embraces a Dull Concept

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
November 1, 2024
The album fails to rouse interest with the lackluster arrangement of their songs.
PODCAST: Senior Imposter Syndrome

PODCAST: Senior Imposter Syndrome

Senior year is often met with feelings of excitement and enthusiasm, but instead, we’ve encountered pressure to act and behave like the seniors that came before us. Join us as we dive into what we call “senior imposter syndrome” and our experiences surrounding it.

Infographic: Starting a K-pop Collection

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
October 2, 2024
Learn how to begin and continue to grow a collection of items from your favorite groups.
Contrary to their album title, this album did not eat at all. Rating: C 
Photo Credit: DSP Media © 2024

‘ATE THAT’ Serves Up Nothing Special

Kylie Dacquel, Standards and Practices Editor
September 19, 2024
Young Posse takes inspiration from video game, GTA, for their newest release.
Hitting a high note in the song “Goddess” by Laufey, junior Danna Kim focuses on controlling her vocals. Kim was given the opportunity to perform on stage during last year’s Coyote Coachella. “I was so happy I wasn’t the only one singing,” Kim said. “Everyone was amazing and such great singers/performers and it made me feel heartfelt when singing mine as well.”

[Photo] Classically Born Soloist: Meet Danna Kim

Zelina Panissidi and Joy Ryan
September 26, 2024

Hitting a high note in the song “Goddess” by Laufey, junior Danna Kim focuses on controlling her vocals. Kim was given the opportunity to perform on stage during last year’s Coyote Coachella. “I...

Relighting her candle, junior Kailie Sicolo prepares to take a picture during the NHS induction ceremony. Members enjoyed refreshments and utilized photo opportunities after the ceremony. “The induction ceremony made me feel proud of myself and it was nice to celebrate getting into the club with my friends,” Sicolo said. “I missed the first meeting because I was out of state for a field trip, so I’m excited to attend my first meeting as an inducted member.”

Club Preview: A look into the week of April 2

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
April 2, 2024
NHS begins the process of board elections, Art Club makes felt creations, and Book Club discusses their book of the month.
PODCAST: Fandom Culture

PODCAST: Fandom Culture

As a prevalent part of being a teenager, a lot of us join fandoms to connect with people who share the same interests. Join us as we discuss what it’s like to be part of a fandom and how it has affected our lives.
Carefully folding and checking the directions, junior Rediate Hunde makes origami for service hours during a general HOSA meeting. Clubs offer service opportunities during club meetings to help members get their hours. “The activity was pretty fun to do and I ended up making a butterfly,” Hunde said. “Out of all the activities they’ve offered for hours, I think this one was my favorite.”

Club Preview: A look into the week of Mar. 25

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
March 25, 2024
HOSA reminds members of their service hour due date , FCCLA begins the process of board elections, and Key Club plans to have a positive attendance meeting with fun activities.
Completing an assignment for NSC Dual Enrollment Math 126, senior Artur Barsan uses the knowledge and skills he learned to work with his peers. Assignments in dual enrollment classes provide students with a challenge and test their understanding. “The hardest part of dual enrollment classes is the work itself,” Barsan said. “You get points off if you turn in work late and you have to put in a lot of time into the class. If you don’t spend enough time doing the work and understanding the material, you won’t be able to do well and pass.”

Under Pressure: The Challenges of Dual Enrollment

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
March 18, 2024
Dual credits provide advantages and benefits to those who decide to complete the course, but many are on the fence about taking these classes.
Cooking with her stepdad and stepbrother, junior Maria Flor Bordinhon enjoys one of her many hobbies. As a culinary student, she is devoted to the art of cooking. “I really love cooking,” Bordinhon said. “It’s fun for me to cook up new dishes for my family and just experiment with recipes I’ve never tried before.”

Jack of all Trades: Meet Maria Flor Bordinhon

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
February 28, 2024
Bordinhon shares her journey in expanding her knowledge on a variety of skills.
Teaching about Freud’s Dream Theory, Secretary Ella Mengistu presents information to the Psychology Club members. The club’s focus and topics are changed each week. “Our meeting that week was about dreams and dream interpretations,” Mengistu said. “Freud’s Dream Theory states that our dreams confirm our inner desires and that it’s what we want in our conscious mind. We wanted club members to have a better understanding of dreams and have a new perspective on what they may mean.”

Club Preview: A look into the week of Jan. 16

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
January 17, 2024
Psychology Club teaches about conditioning, Polynesian Club looks to expand, and SHFAA discusses making a donation.

Club Preview: A look into the week of Jan. 8

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
January 8, 2024
HOSA informs members on general information, Filipino Club plans officer elections for the upcoming school year, and BSU discusses upcoming events and plans.
Many upperclassmen start feeling the effects of anxiety as the impending thought of adulthood weighs upon them. To overcome the perils of stress is a struggle in itself. “So many students think there is one path and that they have to figure out what that path is,” counselor Elizabeth Hare said. “I try to teach them that life is full of choices and not to be scared of them. We often learn through our mistakes and if we grow from those mistakes, they are lessons and not failures.”

The Stress of (Impending) Adulthood

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
December 8, 2023
Upperclassmen’s feelings on life after high school.
Club Preview: A look into the week of December 4

Club Preview: A look into the week of December 4

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
December 4, 2023
NHS, Meteorology Club, and Polynesian Club meet this week.
An Hour In ... Art I

An Hour In … Art I

Shayna Migalang and Kylie Dacquel
December 1, 2023
For their Inktober project, Art I students create textured pieces of art.
Creating their own path, J-pop group JO1 takes inspiration from Korean music and concepts for their releases. Rating: B 
Photo Credit: Lapone Entertainment

Take a Peek Into JO1’s Discography in EQUINOX (Special Edition)

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
November 7, 2023
Experience a twist on Japanese pop through the style of Korean music.
School stressors cause many students to use coping mechanisms in order to overcome the pressure; one of those outlets is retail therapy. Subsequently, students spend more money in relation to the amount of stress they have experienced, all while failing to account for their costly spending. “When they [friends] buy things they just get things that catch their eye with no specific reason for why they want to buy it,” sophomore Sapphyre Leung said. “It’s really just a way to waste money instead of being a good way to channel your stress.”

Photo Credit: Allef Vinicius

Retail Therapy: It’s not just a swipe of a card

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
October 13, 2023
Students share their opinions and tips to help inform others on retail therapy.
VANNER takes a step in a new direction to mark the fresh start of their music career. Rating: B 
Photo Credit: KLAP Entertainment

Experience a Refreshing Endeavor with ‘VENI VIDI VICI’

Kylie Dacquel
September 21, 2023
VANNER starts off a new chapter of their career as winners of the Korean TV competition, “Peak Time.”
Cherry Bullet charms listeners with their captivating and energetic instrumentals. Rating: B+ 
Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

Become Immersed in the Charm of ‘Cherry Dash’

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
April 25, 2023
Cherry Bullet’s album introduces an aspect of surprise to their refined concept, with their unique title track.
Purple Kiss hooks listeners in with their album’s mysterious concept. Rating: A 
Art Credit: RBW

Fall Into the Mysterious ‘Cabin Fever’

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
March 30, 2023
Purple Kiss takes on a concept of mystery and darkness.
Club Preview: A look into the week of February 13

Club Preview: A look into the week of February 13

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
February 10, 2023
Culinary Club frosts Valentine's Day themed cookies, SkillsUSA prepares for competition, and HOSA makes cards for nursing home residents.
Club Preview: A look into the week of February 6

Club Preview: A look into the week of February 6

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
February 6, 2023
Key Club board introductions, BSU movie night finalization, and Culture and Language Exchange Club holds a ‘Food and Film’ meeting.
Club Preview: A look into the week of January 30

Club Preview: A look into the week of January 30

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
January 29, 2023
Jam Club practicing their songs, Crochet Club continuing projects, and NHS creates their “Teacher Valentines”.
Starting off the second semester as student success coordinator, Chrystal Howard settles into her new role. She earned her administrative license two years ago and decided it was time for a change.  “I was ready to progress in my career, especially after spending about 20 years in the classroom as a teacher,” Howard said.

English Teacher Chrystal Howard Transitions from Classroom to Administration

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
January 27, 2023
Her goals include reducing tardies and increasing daily attendance.
Victon’s “Choice” is another album that follows the same cliché production of K-pop love songs. Rating: B- 
Art Credit: Dreamus

Victon’s ‘Choice’ is a Mediocre Love Album

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
January 13, 2023
Banal and repetitive, this album fails to add value to their existing discography.
 "The Good Nurse" tells the true story of Amy Loughren as she works to prove her co-worker is the "Angel of Death."  Rating: B  Photo Credit: Netflix

Uncover the True Story of ‘The Good Nurse’

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
November 20, 2022
This true crime film based on real events highlights issues in the healthcare system.
Using coding as a creative outlet, senior Austin Brigida lives life with autism spectrum disorder. Brigida found ways to live life just like other students. “I truly believe that Austin is where he is today because of his hard work and the combined efforts of his therapists, teachers and family,” mother Tracy Brigida said.

Living On The Spectrum: Meet Austin Brigida

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
November 7, 2022
Ready to graduate, Austin has shown perseverance throughout his four years of high school.
Completing their research, seniors Sierra Prescia, Tyler Alejandro, and Elijah Sicat discuss plans for their infographic. Students collaborated on ideas for this alternative to a traditional essay. “They’re about to go off into the adult world and vote and be productive citizens,” NSC ENG 101 instructor Laura Penrod said. “I want them to research about these different genders because having inclusivity and helping people feel seen and heard, is what’s most important.”

English 101 Students Create Infographics to Study Gender Norms

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
October 18, 2022
Seniors research gender norms in different countries.
Speaking to a group of hopeful armed service recruits, Petty Officer Skylar Lao and Sergeant Drury James talk about various aspects of joining the military. Students learned about the different service groups and what they needed to do now to be successful. "Be outstanding in your classes, don't have missing assignments, turn in your work on time, listen to your teachers," James said. "How you apply yourself in this school and how much effort you put forth, will set you up for success."

First ‘Lunch and Learn’ Hosted By Service Members, Alumni

Kylie Dacquel, Staff Writer
October 5, 2022
Series of guest speakers began presenting to students during lunch time.